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Someone as broken as me can tell the difference between someone who's being genuine and a person who is trying to deceive people into believing that they are something their not. Or who try to hide their true intentions as I met too many of the same people.

Which is really sad considering that I am a teen, 17 at that. A 17 year old girl living on the streets since I was 9.

So yes I've seen a lot, plenty actually. But I survived off of pure instinct. So when Mr. Jacobs walked up to me and asked if I wanted a job. I jumped at it because unlike every one else who turned a blind eye when the village kids were picking on me he didn't.

When I was outside hungry and shivering due to the cold he offered me a place to sleep, clothes and food but I declined obviously. Because no matter what I have to be on guard so what happened to me in those horrible months don't happen again.

I. Won't. Be. Another's. Pet. My life is my own no one else's. I will not be toyed with and thrown aside when I am of no use to them any more.

Unclenching my hands I place them on my dirty lap and listened attentively to Mr. Jacobs as he explained what my job entails.

Basically I'll be washing plates and cleaning up the restaurant at closing time that's easy enough I think to myself.

"When can I start", I ask Mr. Jacobs blankly even though I was screaming in joy in my head.

"As soon as you can Autumn", he answered me with barely contained joy. Geesh he is sooo gay.

"Now then",I replied smiling inside at the way his eyes seem to sparkle and his smile grew wider.

"Let's get you clean up then", he said looking down at my attire with a frown.

"Um... I have no more clothes", I said looking down at my attire.

My once white shirt was caked with dirt and bombarded with holes of different sizes, my jeans was in the same state but my shoes was the worst as my toes were sticking out the top of it.

Pushing away the voice that told me that this is what a slut, a worthless one at that deserved.

To be dirty, hungry and all alone.

I smiled a fake shaky smile at Mr. Jacobs " What did you say Mr. Jacobs?" Even though I know his real name is Adam I hate it. Or maybe my dislike for that particular name is biased.

"That's no problem I'll just ask my daughter to lend you some of her clothes and before you object it's not a bother. She has enough clothes to start her own clothes store", he chuckled lightly at the end.

Even though I wanted to decline his offer I knew it would be impractical to work, even though most of the time I'd be out of sight looking like a street rat.

"Which is exactly what you are", the voice sneered.

Ignoring the voice I gave Mr. Jacobs a fake smile that was a little less shaky than the last one. Which he just smiled at.

"The bathroom is through there. This apartment will be yours as long as you work here as you'd be expected to open up the restaurant." He fixed me with a hard glare waiting for me to object when he was satisfied that I wouldn't he left. But not after shouting " The clothes are in the bathroom!"

Shaking my head at him I locked the door then jingle the door knob to make sure that it was close. I then close all the windows, double checked if they were close and then close the blinds.

I started to strip out of my dirty attire once I was in the bathroom. I made a mental note to check the apartment after work.

It took me one year and seven months (slight exaggeration on my part ) to figure out the bathroom fixtures. But later rather than sooner hot water cascaded over my whole body. I wanted to cry, to just break down and cry for all I've been through, for who I thought I would be if I wasn't living on the streets and I also wanted to cry out in joy of finally having a place to stay even though it's temporary as the Jacobs will soon tire of me.

But like always the tears didn't come, I wouldn't let them.

-Random emoji dude am unstoppable

-I hope you enjoyed

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