Sarah's "prize"

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So here's your prize for guessing Orion's gender.

So here's your prize for guessing Orion's gender

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Sorry it's kinda bad I was tired last night. I did it digitally cause I was too lazy to find my pencil.

I have three things (four technically) to draw this weekend. Shouldn't be too hard. Please remind me if I owe you anything because I remember what I have to draw just not who I have to draw them for. Thank.

Here have a bad and half-assed digital drawing I did cause I was bored.

Here have a bad and half-assed digital drawing I did cause I was bored

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I've been thinking of doing sketch trades. I've been seeing people doing them and I thought it'd be something I could do and be slightly lazy with. Don't worry, lazy drawings for me are like that Orion drawing I did or a doodle and I'm still quite good at those.


Plus, there were two prizes I never drew for the contest I held way back when. Do those people still want their prizes? Cause I remember what they were. They just probably won't be colored or anything. Just sketches.

P.S. We were picking black berries so now I have loads of tiny cuts on my hand. Rip.

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