Returning to Rose {A Harry Styles Short-Story}

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Hope you enjoy, this is my first attempt at a Harry Styles let me know if I need to change anything. May is American, just so you know...thats why she dosnt have a british way of speaking. Their daughter has no defined accent as of yet, what with her parents i wasnt really sure which one she would have....Let me know:)) 


I drug a hand through my blonde curls, this was supposed to be a happy time in my life. Normally a husband and wife would pick out their first home together, checking out school ratings and if it had enough bedrooms. But, I guess my life wasn't really very normal, so...maybe I was just being silly. My finger pressed the down arrow key, scrolling father into the list of potential houses. Our list of must-haves was so detailed for a home, that I'm surprised we had a list of potentials at all.

            "I don't know Hazza, maybe we'll be okay just staying at your flat" I spoke into the iphone at my ear. His sigh came through the speaker.

            "You know that it's getting too small to hold everyone May," he said. This was terribly true, all the boys and our family just became too much for it to hold.

            "Rose will help you," he laughed lightly. His attempt to lighten the mood didn't go unnoticed. I shook my head smiling, "Sure."

            I heard Louis in the background, telling who I assumed was Zayn about his ideas for the next stop on tour. Harry and the boys had been on this world tour for almost nine months now.

            "Where is my little bugger anyway?" he asked. I smiled, turning my head to the left. A few feet away sat my bright and energetic, little three year old daughter Rosalie. Her bouncy, yet loose curls were my signature feature, not nearly as wild and tight as her fathers, but she did have his eyes. Those famous green orbs that no sane person could say no to.

            "Do you want to ask her yourself?" I questioned. I could hear him beam, "Yeah."

            "Baby?" I called over my shoulder. She turned and blinked at me, holding her Barbie in one of her hands.

            "Wanna talk to daddy?" I asked her. She stood up squealing, discarding her Barbie and bounding over to me. I reached out for her extended arms and set her down on my lap. I handed over my iPhone and watched as her little hand pressed it to her cheek.

            "Waddy?" she called.

            "Hi Rosie!" he spoke, his accent was especially thick. It's almost as if he tried to tone it down on a regular basis, but it got super thick when he got emotional.

            "Waddy! When you comin' home?" she asked. Wow, she wasn't one to beat around the bush was she?

            "Soon baby girl," he laughed.

            "Otay," she whispered. If there was anyone who missed Harry as much as I did, it was her. She was a complete daddy's girl.

            "I have a very special task for you Rosie," he said. Rose smiled at the phone.

            "You have to help mummy pick out a new house for us okay? So we don't have to make uncle Liam, and Louis, and Zayn, and Niall sleep on the floor at the flat anymore" he finished. Rose nodded her head frantically and even though he couldn't see her, he answered.

            "Good girl."

            She was quiet for a few seconds before she added, "Miss you waddy."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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