Chapter 13

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{Song in video: Sister Sledge - We Are Family}

Me and my friends were hanging out downtown. Today was a nice and slightly breezy day. There were some clouds in the sky, and the sun shone through every once in a while.

"Oh yeah, guys, there's going to be fifty percent off of all cupcakes tomorrow at the bakery," Lauren said, grinning.

"Awesome!" Remi said.

"I am too," Felix said, smiling. Lauren smiled back, putting a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"Awww, look at you two," Remi gushed, putting her hands on her cheeks. Lauren gave her a look, and she smirked.

"Don't embarrass them!" I hissed at Remi.

"Like you don't ever embarrass them." She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she has a point. You joined those kids singing that marriage song at the park," Raj said, giving me a smug smile.

"Oh...right," I said lamely. "But that was just having fun!"

"It wasn't fun to us," Lauren said, interrupting our conversation.

Takara burst out laughing with the loudest laugh I've ever heard from her. Everyone else stared in silent for a few seconds, and then we burst out laughing too.

"Where do you want to go next guys?" Lauren asked us.

Felix shrugged. "Wherever you want to go," he said.

"What about the shell shop?" Takara pointed out.

"Sure, let's go there," Lauren said.

We walked over to the shell shop, and went inside. "What's the point in buying shells if we have a beach?" Remi asked.

"I don't know," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "It's still neat to come in here and look at them though."

"Look at this one!" Felix exclaimed, pointing at a big shell.

"Whoa, how much is it?" Lauren asked, looking at the shell in awe.

"It's $7.50."

"Oh." She frowned. "I don't even know if I have that much with me at the moment."

"Shells at the beach are free," Remi muttered, and Lauren gave her a look.

"I know right?" Raj said to her, and I giggled.

We continued looking at different shells. After a while, Remi, Raj, and I got bored so we walked out of the store and sat on a bench. Raj sat on the left, I sat in the middle, and Remi sat on the right. Raj and I were sitting pretty close, slightly touching knees. Neither one of us moved though.

Remi must have noticed, because she nudged me and smirked. My eyes widened, and I shook my head to let her know not to do or say anything weird. She smiled, as if she was trying not to laugh, and then looked down and starting texting on her phone. A few seconds later, her phone rang and she said, "Hey, I got to take this. I'll be right back." She got up, and walked about ten feet away from Raj and I.

"So..." I started to say awkwardly.

"So..." He said back. "Or how you say, so..." He mimicked me in a falsetto voice. I gave him an annoyed look, and smacked his arm. "Jeez, Lil' Red. Why are the short girls always so violent?" He chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are the tall guys always so annoying?" I retorted.

He slowly leaned in closer to me, which made me fidget a little. I felt my face flush red. "Because-" He started to say quietly but then got interrupted.

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