chapter 1:my murderer (editing)

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I smile and i wonder what i did to get myself into this kind of a situation smirking i look at the old apartment complex mostly run down and abandoned from what i can tell,its on the outskirts of this damn town i get out of my car lighting a cigarette i run my hand through my jet black midnight hair sighing breathing the smell of tobacco and every other harmful chemicals mixed with it,nasty shit but do i give a shit no im a vampire i don't need to worry about my health i'm already dead so there's no point in freaking out and crying i look down both sides of the road for anyone that could potentially interrupt this mission i put my hand on my gun and start walking towards the buildings i walk up the first flight of stairs i see the doors and i check the numbers on them this side has all of the 200 numbers well fuck this is gonna take longer than i fucking thought i start speed walking forward and i check left and right for the apartment number but its like a series of mazes looking for the damn number i continue walking and i sniff the air i smell drugs and booze and not the good kind either i turn my head quickly towards the right and i look down from the walkway i'm on and i glare towards the source of the smell its him alright i can tell i put my hand on the railing and i heave myself up and jump off landing with one knee on the ground and i slowly lift myself up as i look to either sides and chuckle prepare for your worst nightmare fucker walking towards the door a old wooden white chipped door i knock on it wait as i hear a guy groan on the other side and shuffling from inside the apartment also with the sound of the door being unlocked he pulls the door open but only enough for my hand to reach in because of the chain most likely he gets a lot of people coming to his door at outrageous times i glare at him "what the hell do you want?" he asks squinting at me i guess he woke up from a nap or he's high most likely its the latter of the choices because his eyes are blood shot and he reeks of pot "unchain the door or i will have to use force and break the damn door" he smirks "oh yeah and what bloody thing are you gonna use to knock it down?" i scratch the back of my head sighing i look into his eyes and slightly narrow my eyes "last warning or i will kick it down" he laughs "good luck" he closes the door and i still hear him laughing putting my foot on the door i give it a good kick to test its stability and it seems like its actually starting to rot from the termites likely attracted to the pigsty this guy lives in then he laughs hysterically "thats all you got you fucking bastard!" he yells through the door i kick the door again successfully knocking it down the chain making a loud jingling noise and the wood splitting as it fell with a loud thud as i look down at it and i was right termites i can see the gross worm like maggots i hear a click that sounds a lot like a barrel being loaded on a shotgun he glares at me and i smile "you fucking shit look what you did do you know how much that will be to fix that!" he screams at me i can almost see the vein on his neck bulge out while his face turns a nasty shade of red his eyes have a crazed look in them his pupils huge and consuming all the color almost like he's a vampire craving the blood of his enemies "no i don't and i really don't fucking care" he really looks like a fucking red balloon that's about ready to pop from the air pressure or the needle that's about to stab it i raise my gun in a ready position because he looks very unstable right now his eyebrow twitches as sweat pours down his forehead he looks around,then he looks up probably trying to hatch an escape plan but sadly for him i have the ability to run at the speed of light and he's just a measly human that can't even take care of his own self let alone the life of his dog as i look at his dog in the corner his ribs showing and his face very sad looking /i hear a clink and i look up seeing him with a gun in his hand i laugh "do you honestly think that will stop me but you probably already do see you shouldn't think that way because even bullets cant always stop the undead" he raises an eyebrow "you think im that fucking stupid that i believe your little bullshit fairytale fucking lie!" he yells at me his spit hitting me in the face as he waves his gun around like a madman "do whatever pleases you fuck face i wouldn't blame you its such a fucking shame and pity that humans are weak and short minded that they can't no actually won't believe in something that they despise that they are scared of" he spits at my shoes "stop it with your fucking brain games" he yells still waving his pistol around like a toy "bullets wont stop me they may hurt me but they wont kill me" i step closer to him seeing his eyes slightly widen "yeah right" he starts laughing hysterically as he starts shooting at me the bullets hitting my intestines my lungs everywhere that was a vital part to a human body to me their just nuisances i flinch as another bullet hits me in the knee i look down at the bullet holes on my torso as they start leaking blood making my white button up become red with my blood he keeps laughing as he continues to fill my body with caps i fall backwards as he continues his tirade "you said bullets couldn't kill you well looks like it did maybe you should've not bluffed" i kept my body still and kept my breathing small and shallow to give him the impression that he killed me he turns his back to me and stretches putting his gun on the table where his weed is i get up and cloak myself in shadows i quickly walk through the shadows and i grab his ankle from under the couch as he starts swaying and yelling "what the fuck,let go of me you fucking shit!" he yell's as he tries to pull his foot out of my grip but years of practicing martial arts and training gives me the advantage but not only that being a vampire as well i move from under the couch letting his foot go and he turns around in circles looking for me his eyes wide and animal like as he frantically searches and searches sweat dripping down his neck and face I picked him up and slung him over my shoulder with ease closing his door i walk back to my cadillac I opened my trunk dropping him in there I closed the trunk lid I don't want put im in my back seat because this is my baby and he's dead and bleeding i don't want my seat all bloody I opened the drivers side sliding in I closed it after me and put the key in the ignition and drove away back to the boss I park and light a cigarette I popped open the lid getting the dead guy out I carried him in "ah cam back already" said saden "yeah easy kill didn't put much of a fight" I laughed saden laughed with me "yeah that's cam alright" said a voice I looked back and saw matt standing at the doorway leaning on the door frame and crossing his arms while a cigarette sticks out of his mouth he smirks "yes " I smiled winking at the sexy man i'm gay but I don't like matt like that he's hot but not my type I walked away going to the fridge I opened the door looking for some wine "hey sady where's you're wine?" I question "uhm I put it in the pantry" he said from the couch I nodded then went and opened the pantry doors I saw the red wine I reached for it and went and tried to find the wine opener I searched through the drawers and I finally found it I opened the wine and poured me a glass this "wine" is no ordinary wine its blood wine as in its blood we call it wine because incase there is a human here because we don't want humans to know were vampires anyways should I tell a little bit about myself If you said no I don't care im cam Anderson im 20 in human terms and

m 120 in vampire i'm a masochist im sorry if you find me liking heavier more demeaning sex none lovable is not my fault I sat down on the couch cross legged "so who's next to kill?" I ask smirking "uhm lets see a guy named sammy james" sadence says I nodded "here's the picture" he handed me a photo I was shocked at how hot he is he was pale and beautiful his ice blue eyes shining his black hair covering his right eye he's smirking right into the camera "hey babe" a deep voice said that shocked me out of my daydream I looked over and saw saden and jale kissing "easy enough" I said putting the photos back on the table "ohh does cammy like the little criminal" said matt "as if" I scowled at matt he laughed "anyways when do I start with killing the fucker" i said nodding to the photos of sammy "you could now" saden said snuggling with jale "oh why dont you fuckers get a room go make sweet love somewhere else " I said making a disgusted face at them

"we can't have sweet love but you can go around getting tied up and fucked silly by other man-whores" laughed jale "yeah pretty much" I smiled reloading my gun and lighting another cigarette "well im going" I said while putting my gun in its holster "wait I forgot here's the address" saden gets up and hand's me some papers I nodded off walking out the front door I walked over to my car getting in I drove away following the numbers and words I drove up to a house more like a mansion if you ask me I park far from the place but not to far because I dont want to get caught because that's bad if I do it happened before and it could happen again I nod then smash my cigarette in the ashtray I grabbed my black trench coat I get out and lock the doors I slip on my coat and walk to the mansion maybe you're wondering why im just walking up and just killing them in plain sight im a vampire remember you dumb shit yeah im rude deal get over it because you're going to be hearing a lot more mean things coming from me I smirk and walk to the big white front doors

I knock on it....

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