Chapter 4

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Camila's POV

Lauren's... Oh wait, Miss Jauregui's rejection would've been less difficult if she weren't my teacher. Now I was gonna have to see her every morning. First period, like really? Not only was it so early in the morning, but it was also Algebra 2. Math was one of my best subjects, but I wouldn't be able to focus and concentrate, not with her as my teacher. Not only because of our situation, but also because, well, she was gorgeous. How was I not supposed to stare at her? Everyone else was, so why can't I?

My mom dropped me off at the side of the school today. Usually I was dropped off at the front, but this time I asked her not to. It was enough that Miss Jauregui, okay you know what? Fuck it! That Lauren was seeing me as a student, but seeing me being dropped off by my mother would've made me seem more child like. That was the last thing I wanted right now.

Before I opened the door, I turned and looked at my mom.

"When will I get my own car?" I asked. I was seventeen, I needed my own car now. Vero and Shawn had their own. Dinah didn't, she had to suffer the same problem as me.

"When you buy it." I really hope she wasn't being serious. Come on, I needed her to consider it. I couldn't depend on her all the time. It helped that she allowed me to borrow hers when I needed to go somewhere, but I would still like my own. And there were times when I needed her car, but she needed it too.

"Please promise me that you'll at least consider it?" I pleaded.

"You're going to be late. Go on now mija." She avoided answering the question.

"Mom!" My voice squealed with my complaint.

"Fine. I'll talk it over with your dad. No go before the bell rings." She pushed me out of the car. My mom waved before driving off.

I walked towards the entrance, along with other people. Hopefully mom and dad would realize that it was about time for me to have my own car. That was going to help make me look older.

I made my way to my locker to take out my math textbook. Seeing it put me in distress, for many reasons.

"Hello there." Vero leaned against the lockers next to mine.

"Hi." I greeted while closing my locker. "Where are the others?" I wondered.

"They went to get breakfast. Hey, I was wondering." She kept up next to me as I walked away. I motioned for her to continue talking. "Well more like wanting to ask you something." She rephrased.

"Well what is it?" I asked feeling curious. Vero was my friend, if she needed to talk I was here for her. We came upon a bench and sat down.

"Well," She appeared to be nervous. "What if a friend is having feelings for another friends?" She stated the question. Hmmm, I wasn't expecting that. Where was this coming from? Was it about her or any of our other friends?

"Can you elaborate?" I asked, I needed more information.

Her leg was tapping on the ground, "Like, what if a friend likes another friend, would that be bad?"

"I don't think so, I guess it all depends on the friendship and if it's a mutual feeling." I answered. Honestly, I didn't really know what to say. It couldn't be that bad though, at least it wasn't a teacher-student thing. Now that was terrible.

"What if the first friend doesn't know how their friend feels about em'" She seemed desperate for answers. My eyes shifted down to her hands, which were shaking pretty badly.

"Well then the friend should talk to that friend." Was all I came up with.

Vero looked super nervous. This was definitely about her, but who was the other friend? My guess was that it was Dinah. That would explain why they ditched me on Sunday. They were probably spending time on their own, and hid it from me. Although, Vero just said that the friend didn't know about the feelings. Hmmm, strange.

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