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To your grave I spoke, holding a red rose. Don't forgive me for I have sinned. I might be the last one standing, but the wanna be will never find a way to break me. I'm sick of the sirenes, so loud in the crowd. I felt like a psycho, stuck between 4 walls. Your lips weren't there to kiss away the hurting pain.

To your grave I spoke, holding a red rose. I'm so disparate without you to heal me. Set me free while the edge get closer within a second. I'm just a little boy in this galaxy. Some universe I want to ignore. They told me to defeat the monster, I had to become the monster.

To your grave I spoke holding a red rose. Precious, I don't know if the echoes will stop speaking these sentences. The red leaves my vains while my mind is like a circus. I suck on the air this living hell is sending me. Recieve the message of the lord of death, heart-attack.  Die now before it's too late.

To your grave I spoke, holding a red rose. Snake of fear circles around my legs, till I shake nervously. My muscles stopped working, my eyes are tired. I'm falling asleep on the bed made by the archer. Join the military before it's over.

To your grave I spoke, holding a red rose. Watch me going down, but don't help me up. Not unless it's you, my queen. They make me scream your name and I feel so left behind. I'm gone into dust with the butterflies flying in my stomach. I'm so in love with your corpse.

To your grave I spoke, holding a red rose. Drops fall and hit the ceiling. Look trough the eye of the needle and see how lost we are. Is there any way out of here without making sacrefaces? I can't handle another loss now you are no more.

To your grave I spoke, holding a red rose. Spend a lifetime of holding on, just to let go. I guess I'll spend another lifetime, searching for a new hope...

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