Hunt for percy jackson

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Raze POV

It has been a week since we came her. I sended Gemma along with two of our best trackers to hunt for percy jackson, He looked slightly nervous but accpected the mission. I walked inside posiedon cabin and laided on a bunk with a minotor's horn.'Must be percy's bunk' I thought. It wasn't used for 3 years so I guess he has been on the run for 3 years. I noticed something beanth the cover. I looked at it and saw that it was a photo album.

I opened it and saw photo's from differnet times. In the first one he looked about 12 years old, I chuckled when I saw him wearing bed sheets, standing along with the daughter of athena and a styar. the next one he looked about 14 looking at a glowing 3 foot long sword, 'didn't skylar said it was 4 feet long' the next one he looked about 17, he had a arm around annabeth. I put on a sad smile 'he must have felt very betrayed' 

I closed the book and started thinking how will we defeat the criple. He was created by Nyx, Ananke, Chornus (and yes the primordial one) Gaea, Tratraus and Hydros. Things went extremly wrong as soon as he was born, he was half-primordial and half-monster (let me tell you this, the criple is just my imagination) 

Result, deaths of the strongest primordials.

He ripped tratraus to pieces thus making the pit of tratraus. He threw Hydros across the earth covering 3/4 of it in water. He cutted Ananke in three pieces making the sisters of fates. He would have killed more but chaos appeared and fought him. After she won she placed the criple in a different prision. it was not in the void, neither the abyss, nor the living space, it was in the middle. A prison made for him. His true purpose was to be a power core, he did become a core. The core of monsters, every monster wants to free him, but even typhon couldn't free him. He earned the terrifing titles without even trying; The core of monsters, Primordial of destruction, second strongest primordial, fear of typhon and destroyer of worlds.

I picked up the album and headed to the big house. On the way I met up Reyna, daughter of bellone. The romans are also searching for percy, guess the romans have there own way of showing emotions.....even though it involves a lot of cursing.


We found a note in the album saying.

Hey, percy here not that you would care. Anyway I have diceded to leave this place, you don't need me anyway do you, I was just a tool to you guys, but now that theo is here you don't need the old tool. I will miss the Romans though, I wish it didn't had to end this way.



P.S: Don't look for me or you will be extreamly hurt. 

I looked around and saw everyone had faces of regret and sadness. I was confused this percy guy made it sound like everyone hated him.

"Why does he make it sound like everyone hated him" alpha my third in command asked. Everyone got guilty looks on there faces. I narrowed my eyes in suspicions.

"we kinda.." a son of demeter started "ingnored him, and made Theo the cabin couciler of posiedon, and his dad proclaimed Theo his faviourate son, and annabeth cheated on him" everyone started glaring at him obviusly it was supposed to be a secret. My jaw clenched, I had thought he was accused or some thing but this pure cruilty.

"so now you want him back! Zeus knows why he would come back! I just got my second in command a death warrent!" I shouted

"But I don't know" Zeus asked confused



I turned towards the son of apollo and said "Tell me the whole truth now" I used my demanding voice which sounds preatty scary.

" one month after his dissappernce Theo cheated on annabeth since then she started searching, then 2 months later we got to know how weak he was and started searching for him. The romans started searching for him right when he dissappeared"

I took in all the information,"No wonder he called himself a war tool, thats how you guys acted, he must really hate you now"

Annabeth stood up "how do you know weather he hates us or not"

"For a daughter of athena, you" Rev my fourth said "are a complete idiot"

She screamed in rage and lunged at her, out of nowhere a small black hole the size of a T.V appeared and shot out a chain it was made of light blue transparent energy and wrapped it self around annabeth pinning her,"You know I could send you to void for eternal punishment right now" My voice was icy, the chains realsed her and went back.

I had just showed my powers. Demigod children of chaos are differnent than any other. For example a son of Zeus would have power over lightning but a son of chaos will have a power there mother herself doesn't have. There have only been 5 chaos demigod children. Each died cause it was too much power for a human body to hold. My mother didn't make the mistake she did with 4 others. She made me immortal but I can die in battle. My name is Raze Alysida and I have the power to use the unbreakble chains of void.


I looked down the pine tree and saw grattion with a army of 250 monsters and I think I saw artemis snarl at him but his attention was on me.

"So you are Raze Alysida,ehh" he looked at me with distaste "you don't look much" my fist balled I hated when people underestimate me.

A black hole big enough for a plane to go through appeared above the monster army. Chains started shooting out and wrapping themselves around the monsters.

I took out my sword "Stay out of way, gods and campers alike".

While making my way to grattion I Killed some monsters 'cause of my chains the army was in complete panic so only the smart ones charged me. "Guess I underemistate you" Grattion had a giant spear in one hand and a knife on the other. I charged him head on, he brought down his spear to imaple me, I rolled out of the way and waited for the knife to come at me, just as I thought he slashed at me with his knife with a suprisingly fast speed. I spun to my right barely missing the knife and stabed his arm, grattion roared in pain but I was far from done, I jumped on his arm and ran up to his shoulder, Then I leaped at his heart holding my sword with both hands, I impailed his heart and brought it to his waist and jumped off.

Without waisting anymore time a chain came down from the black whole and wrapped him. He screamed as the chain took him to void for eternal punishment.

I looked around my self. There was no one at the battlefield.


Everyone was at the big house. This was the first attack we suffered and for some reason grattion was like a.....bait.

"Shit!" I face palmed. Everyone looked at me,"whats wrong" athena asked

"It was a bait, they used grattion to learn about my powers" a look of realization crossed athena's face when someone barged in the door.

It was a soldier,"You better have a good reason to barge in our meeting" I said

"genral gema's hunting party has returned, sir"

Everyone perked up at this "Did they find him" I asked

"No,sir but.." everyone's face fell "but what" this time it was athena who asked the question.

"They are badly injured"



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