Chapter 7: The Return of Virel Essence

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Hello, minna! ♥ Here is the next chapter, I hope you like it!  Yay, action has finally come, haha!  Alas, my one day break is over...although I have no school, I still have to go to Volleyball practice. -.-  It's killing me, it really is.  It's from one to three, so I won't be back till later.  I'll try to get a head start on the next chapter...though, I have to do school work after Volleyball practice because I held it back this weekend. ^.^;  Hehe, silly me...  Anyways, onto the dedication, ne?  I dedicate this chapter to FlamesxKeys. c:  She's only got a few NaLu Fan Fictions, but they are very good indeed.~ ♥ I very much enjoyed her fan fiction!  I hope you all like this chapter, and remember: Feedback is very much apprecited! c;  Until next time~!

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Lucy stared, wide-eyed, at the structure before her.  The Ceremonial Temple, high and mighty, rose before her in a large significance Lucy thought was long gone.

I-It's been rebuilt?!  Lucy thought wildly.

It was true; instead of there being a giant pile of rubble as Lucy expected, the Ceremonial Temple was restored to its formal glory.  The white marble cascaded above Lucy, and the sun peaked over the top with the familiar magnificence Lucy remembered it had when she and her friends had arrived all those months ago.

Actually, Lucy noticed something as she looked closer; the roof had been chopped away, as if something had come along and chopped it clean off.  Though, the groves were jagged, and it was only the ceiling gone.  Lucy gulped, shocked to see what her eyes were showing her.  The temple seemed to loom over her, and Lucy got a bad sense of foreboding as she remembered all that had transpired here.  The vines had even been restored, and it was as if Lucy was looking at a model of what once was.

Lucy's hands shook, and she was startled to see the very building had such an effect one her.  What had happened here had been something she had wanted to forget.

But Lucy saw she couldn't do that anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Lucy walked towards the opening, and entered the Ceremonial Temple.  As she did so, Lucy looked around and saw it was as empty as ever, and looked up as fresh columns stood upwards, stretching into the sky though there was nothing for it to support above.  Now that Lucy was inside, she saw that the three other walls were gone, so it left Lucy looking back down the other side of the hill and the sides.

What was going on?

I knew something was wrong.  Lucy thought, her eyes shaking.  But...that doesn't explain my nightmares or the fact that I keep seeing...

A figure floated into view for a split second, but took cover behind one of the pillars.

"...Virel."  Lucy finished, but this time out loud.

Shaking her head vigorously, Lucy grasped her head with her hands in stress.  No, I didn't see anything...I'm just--

A slapping noise indicated that a boot hit the stone floor and it made Lucy's thoughts shut down.

Along with a voice.

"Lucy Heartfilia...It's been awhile."

Lucy shakily turned her head, her hands still clasped to the sides of her head fearfully.  Her eyes widened considerably, and Lucy's eyes turned reflectionless in disbelief and coldness took over her body.

Fairy Tail: Nightmares and Feelings ❖ (A NaLu Fan Fiction) {Sequel to I.W.A.F!!}Where stories live. Discover now