Chapter 1

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Rose P.O.V.

I woke up feeling like I just got out of a trance. I couldn't really remember anything, but then it hit me like a punch to the face. My family. I walked around the streets looking for them, when I didn't find them at the apartment. I felt like I had walked all over New York, and looking at the people in front of me was even worse. Parents calling for their lost children and families huddling together, because they know that they're going to be okay. I didn't have that luxury. I had to find them, my family is somewhere in New York, I know they are.

I kept on walking until my feet were blistered from wearing my combat boots too long and walking for miles. I took them off and started to walk again, but I put a layer of dirt and air between the bottom of my foot and the alleyway. I was about to walk home when a little boy about my brother's age ran up to me and said,"Can you please help me? My mom is stuck in her car and she can't get out. My dad tried getting her out , but it wouldn't budge. Please help me."

"How do you know if I can do anything to help you, kid?"

"I saw you running towards one of the big monsters and freeze him with water, you're like a superhero. Aren't you?"

"I guess you caught me kid. I'll go help you. Where are your parents?"

"Over here at the end of this street, follow me."

I ran past the alleyway and followed the small boy to a red majorly dented Prius. I looked in the car and saw a woman. She looked like the boy except for her long black hair. I yelled out to her, to see if she was still alive. She looked at me with pleading eyes, and asked me to help her out of the car. I looked for the boy, and he was standing next to a man who was sitting down and hugging the boy as if he were a lifeline. "Who are you? And why were you touching my son?"

"Sir, I'm here to help your wife, that is her right?"

"Yes, that's her. Can you help her?"

"I think I can. Not to be rude, but why can't you help her?"

He pulled off the blanket that was covering what looked like his legs, but there was only stumps that were cut off just below the knee. "I tried to help her, but my someone stole my prosthetic legs when I got fatigued and sat down here."

"I'm sorry, I can help you in a second. I'll get your wife out."

I ran back over to the car and banged on the window to see if the wife would respond. She didn't even bat an eyelash. I went to the driver's side of the car and pushed the ground up to steady the car on the other side. I touched my arm against the asphalt and started to think of a rock arm, and how the rocks would form to my arm, almost like a giant boxing glove. I looked down at my hands and they were rock like gloves. I lifted the handle to the car and pulled with everything I had, and the door came off the hinges. I started to think in my mind of the rock glove sliding off my hand like water, and I heard every single rock fall to the asphalt. I made my hand as straight and flat as I could and cut the seat belt with air. I grabbed the woman from the chair and set her down next to her husband, who looked as if he'd seen a ghost. 

I didn't seem to notice at the time, but I had gathered a crowd. They were staring and it was making me uncomfortable. Until one person started to clap, and then another, until the entire crowd was clapping including the boy and his family. I grabbed my shoes and told the family to find shelter. I was heading towards my apartment when I heard an elderly  woman sobbing. "Ma'am, are you okay?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm sorry if I scared you, but i'm just someone who might be able to help you."

"I don't need help, they do."

I tried to see what she was looking at, but all there was was a pile of dirt. "Ma'am that's just a pile of dirt. You might want to find shelter."  

"No, dear that's a pile of ash."

"What do you mean a pile of ash. That means that you would be saying that people got vaporized."

"People did, and that was a family who was looking for their daughter. They said her name was Ray or Rain or Ro. Something like that"


"That's what her name was. That poor girl...she probably doesn't know. And now she's an orphan. Speaking of parents, where are yours?"

I was still in shock that I didn't even know that I moved my arm to point at the pile of ash, that was my family. The woman tried to come up to me and give me a hug, but I was already gone. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that I had to leave. I had to go somewhere that wouldn't bring back memories of my family. I knew that I shouldn't go back home, but I had to pack a bag for the trip. So it was back home for me.

I packed two bags. One for my clothes and the other with my things. The one with clothes was a lot heavier than my other bag. I also decided to bring my guitar, because something good might just come out of this horrible tragedy. I took one more look at the apartment i used to call home, and i walked out. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, and it won't be my last. I just couldn't stay. I went down to the garage at the very bottom of the apartment building, and got my undamaged motorcycle and revved it up. There was a lot of confusion at the moment, but I knew that I wouldn't be staying in New York to figure it out.

I was about to be out of the city when I saw Stark Tower, but only the A was still in tact. Weird huh. I was almost out of Manhattan, when I saw the Avengers. The people who I was helping less than 10 hours ago, were the things stopping me from getting out of the city. They were standing by the edge of the city and asking people who lived in Manhattan to stay and help clean up, rather than leaving. Well, they couldn't pay me to stay in this Hell Hole, so I tried to ride my bike out of here, but Captain America stood in my way and held my handle bars in check so that I couldn't move. I don't exactly remember what happened next, but I know that that's how I ended up on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.

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