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You wanna find out some personal shit?

1. Any scars?
A few hundred

2. Self harmed?
Got stitches for it right now 🔪

3. Crush?
A few

4. Kissed anyone?
Indeed, just today XD

5. Coke or Pepsi?
Neither, irn bru

6. Someone you hate?

7. Best Friends?

8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
Yes I have done alcohol and nicotine

9. What's your dream job?

10. Ever been in love?

11. Last time you cried?
Friday night on the way to hospital

12. Favorite color?

13. Height?

14. Birthday?
22 10

15. Eye color?
Brown orbbbbbzzzzz

16. Hair color?

17. What do you love?
Food, music, pals

18. Obsession?
Food, music, pals

19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
Food, music, pals

20. Do you love someone?
Food, music, pals

21. Kiss or hug?

22. Nicknames people call you?
Teedurr, theo

23. Favorite song?
Atm guns for hands by TØP

24. Favorite band?
At the minute, TØP

25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
I dunno probably many things. The worst I can think of right now is Liv breaking my heart lol

26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
Probably many things

27. Something you would change about yourself?
My selfishness

28. Ever dated someone?

29. Worst mistake?
See above

30. Watch the movie or read the book?
Why not both?

31. Ever had a heartbreak?

32. Favorite show?
Catfish x)

33. Best day of your life?
All,of the ones I'm not sad

34. Any talents?

35. Do you wish you could ever start over?

36. Any bad habits?
Hahah self harm?

37. Ever had a near death experience?
Don't think so, I mean I have lost a lot of blood a few times but I don't think I was near death

38. Someone you can tell anything to?
Dunno, really.

39. Ever lost a loved one?
Not really

40. Do you believe in love?
I believe in it as a concept I don't believe in it for me

41. Someone you hate/Dislike?

42. Are you okay?

43. Relationship status?
Friends with romantic benefits/confused/crushing

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