Chapter 3

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Authours note: I'm excited for this Fanfic that I have planned and it's going to be incredible so if you are reading this follow me, vote and share it with your friends. Please it'll mean the world because I've just started writing and I think I'm pretty good :) you guys judge and leave comments <3 thanks.

"kill your self, your not worth it, you can't win him back, he doesn't love you " crashed throughout my mind and it was pain. Maybe I could call him and apologize and invite him to my flat, because I didn't let him finish talking. I called his number and he responded. "hey" he said with a worried background. "hey , em look I'm really sorry I just wasn't in a great mood I just flipped things and I'd like for you to hang out in my flat and maybe we could talk this over?" I said in a scared voice due to him denying it. " sure I'll pick up a movie and some snacks and I'll be right there." he says as I hear through the phone that he picks his keys up . "alright then, I'll be waiting " I say in a relived voice. "bye" he said and before i could say bye he hung up. But I had to fix it. I couldn't just ignore his beautiful flaws and imperfections. He was the one I had falled in love with. and even if I tryed to stop loving him, his magnetic force kept pulling me to him and make me fall inlove with him even more than before. Its hard but I still carry on. I sat on the couch staring at the floor. Waiting for my ringer to buzz. I heard his car move up in my drive way. He got out. His faded red shirt and jumpers on and some vans. I couldnt hold myself from staring . he had a bag full of snacks and crisps bags. I walked up and open the door before he could ring the bell. "woah!" he said frightened as he jumped a little back. "it's okay." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah.. I got the movie!" he digged in the grocery bag taking out one of his old movies. The cover said "Click". Sounded pretty interesting. "great! Come in,come in, take a seat." I said as my fingers motioned to the lounge. We put in the movie and sat a bit apart. The movie got interesting in the middle. He opened up some trail mix and handed me a water boddle.


The movie ended and we started talking. He got comfortable with his right leg on his other. When an incoming call came from his phone ringing. "hello...?" he said as a knot grew in my chest. Who was it I wondered. He laughed and said,"Hahahaha yeah I'm just here with a friend. Why?" I got panic and my body got surrounded by a hot plate of heat. I got nervous. "oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow love. Bye!" his voice turned like if he was talkin to a baby. "sorry that was my sister and her baby". He said as he clicked the turn off button of his phone and it clicked loud. "oh was she talking to you last time?" I said as every bad feeling drifted away. "yeah haha her baby girl love when I talk to her ", he smiled and looked at his phone. " I wanted to tell you....."

Welllllllllll hey guys :) sorry I haven't posed one lately but here's this one :) please comment vote and follow me! Also follow me on twitter . Same user at here StylesHeidi . Thankksssss so much and stay in touch for chapter 4!

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