三 | dark galaxies

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chapter three

"W-will you call the p-police now..?" The younger asks desperately, looking up to his Hyung.

"What? No of course not! I want to help you." Hoseok responds honestly and a little bit shocked that the younger thought he would do that, "till you have the courage to go to the police by yourself."

"W-what?!" Taehyung shouts, standing up immediately, "I-I don't w-want to go to prison!"

Hoseok also stands up and takes a step closer to Taehyung, "No you won't go to prison! You had a reason for what you did! They won't bring you in prison."

"O-of course they will!"

"No I know what I'm saying." The older responds, sighing lightly and hoping that Taehyung will finally believe him.

"H-how do y-you know?"

"Because I know." Because I work at the police office.

Taehyung doesn't say anything, he just tries to collect his thoughts.

"Why don't we eat first so you can calm down a bit?" Hoseok interrupts the younger's thoughts while putting his hand on Taehyung's arm, slowly moving it up and down. But Tae doesn't respond he just stands there staring at something and nothing at the same time, probably thinking about what might happen next. What will happen now?

Should he fight and run away, disappearing somewhere no one knows him or no one expecting him to be or should he end everything? His life - just leaving the planet forever?

He killed someone and he can't live with this fact but if he dies, what will happen afterwards? Where will he go? Another better place? Better than this fucked up world?

It sounds nice, the thought of going somewhere else where it's nice and peaceful, no war, only love. But he killed someone doesn't it mean he will go to hell? Tae doesn't want to go to hell, because he already lives there.

"Come." Hoseok carefully pulls Tae to the small table with their, now cold, breakfast on it. "Sit."
It's silent when they start eating, you could hear birds twittering outside, after a long rainy night. Now the sun is shining but it's still cold in the apartment. It's cold and lonely. Taehyung's body is cold. No matter how shiny it's outside, the apartment remains cold, bad and lonely memories are the reason.

"Why.. why are you doing this all for me?" Taehyung asks after a while, his eyes staring blankly and his voice is deep and quiet. His eyes are so blank, if you didn't know him, you would think that he is blind. But he isn't- it's the shock that still stucks in his eyes.

Hoseok sighs before putting his hand on top of Tae's, "Because I know that you are a wonderful person and I really want to help you."

"So take my hand, you know I'm here for you. You just have to trust me and stay here till we find a solution for this all, okay?"

The younger remains silent. Should he trust him or not? Should he stay here or not?
Everything of him screams no, no, no but his heart - his heart says yes.



"Feel free to sleep, eat or shower whenever you want." Hoseok says while washing the dishes. Tae sat down on the couch, now watching his Hyung but most of the time he sinks in his thoughts, drowning in questions and darkness. The darkness is the unknown. He doesn't know what will happen next, everything is black, he can't see the ground, he doesn't know where he is going or on what he is standing, what is surrounding him and what is above him. It's just black. The darkness is black.
And the darkness is swallowing him.

When Hoseok was finish with cleaning, he walks up to Tae and knees down on front of him so he can look him in the eyes. "I have to go now to buy groceries please don't leave the apartment." The older says while slowly removing some hair from Tae's forehead, looking him in the eyes without blinking.
Tae just nods slowly, too tired to speak, secretly enjoying the caring touch of the older.

"I don't know if they are searching for you or something, so it's safer to stay here. Please don't leave.." me. Please don't leave me, Tae.

They look each other in the eyes, lost in dark galaxies. Even if it lasted just 5 seconds it felt like 5 minutes or longer, too long.

Long enough to make Hoseok's heart racing abnormally fast in his chest and it seems like he is about to say something but he stops himself.

He just observes the beautiful human being in front of him, his handsome facial features and wonderful eyes, the pinky lips and the cute nose. The person he almost fell for in the past, the face of the person he liked, but not liked enough for them to stay together.

A soft smile appears on Hoseok's lips before he ruffles Taehyung's brown hair lightly and standing up from the floor.

Without a word he leaves the apartment after getting ready.

When he came back, an hour later, he finds the younger, rolled as a ball on the couch, sleeping peacefully and quiet snores leaving his soft lips. Lips Hoseok suddenly wants to kiss, while looking at the beautiful face in front of him once again, reminding him of the time they spent together and how he used to see him everyday. How he used to touch these lips every day, how he used to smile at him, how they used to be happy.

His fingertips run over the soft tanned skin, slowly moving to the younger's lips, touching them lightly with his fingers. They feel soft but cold. They need some warmth, a warmth Hoseok's lips could give them.

But Hoseok knows their lips will never collide.


Hope u like the story so far!

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