chapter 2

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Louis' POV

Someting upsets Harry. I can see it in his eyes. I see him frown. I smell his jacket, it gives me a comforting feeling. He looks like an angel! He notist me staring. He looks a bit sad. "Hazza, you okay?" I ask. I'm worried about him. I know he isn't always that happy as he wants us to think. "Ow yeah, of course" He is lying i can see that. I bite my lip of frustation. I want to help but i don't know how. I really wonder he's thinking about. "Well looks like we're here" Harry says with a fake smile. I noud.

From the moment we enter the pub Niall shouts in our ear: " THERE THEY ARE!!! HARREEE!!! LOUEEEH!!! Our love birds!!!" Harry and I look at each other and both blush. Zayn shout back to Niall: " Take it easy, elf" I look around, I can't see Liam. "Hey where's Liam?" I ask them. "there" Niall anwsers while pointing at an rondam dancing Liam in the middle of the pub. Harry looks a bit shocked, normally Liam is the one the most caring about drinking. "How long are you already here?  An hour?!" he asks Zayn. Zayn counts on his fingers. "Eh something like that yeah" He anwsers.  Niall starts shouting at Liam: "HEY PAYNO THEY ARE HERE!!" Liam notest us and walks towards us. "Yeaah! Lets get al drunk and weird!" Liam shouts. "Looks like you're already drunk" I state. "No!" He protest "I'm just weird!" Harry smirks at me "Well that's some true shit" He says. Zayn looks at us "Soow, how was you're dinner?" "Very nice" Harry and I say in sycron. "Haha, so Louis is that Harry's jacket?" I can actually feel my face getting red I mumble somethng like "Yeah, I wa cold and I forgot mine..." "Awww that's so cute!!" Niall shouts. Zayn looks from me to Harry and back to me. "Vas happening?" He asks. My face is getting red again, when i look to Harry I see he's blushing too. "N-nothing.." I try to say. "Yeah, yeah" Liam winks at us. "Well we got here to get drunk so lets drink!!" "So lets drink!!" Liam shouts. Liam points at the barman "5 shots pleas!" A few minutes later Harry stands next to me I smile at him. "You" I'm pointing at the barman when he sees me i say: "Yeah you 2 shots pleasse!" "No thanks Lou I've just got one but I'll take a beer." Harry says. i drink my shot directly while Harry takes slow, small nipes of his beer. The room already gets blurry and I can feel the alcohol running throuhg my veins. Just the way I like it, it's makes me forget all the pain. And the feeling I'll never will be able to kiss Harry. He doesn't like me in that way.  Becides everyone thinks I'm straight. And then we still have our contract with Modest. They would be mad and I need the money for my family. They made clear rules in the start: No relationships within the band itsels, because all the girlfans will go away.

Thinking of that I almost start crying. But I turn around and take a random drink that's still on the bar. Liam starts singing really loud. Niall sings along rougly. People start to look weird at us. But I don't care. I also start singing, I'm trying the high notes. First I don't notice that Zayn took Harry to the dancing floor and started dancing closely. But then I see it from the corner of my eye, I heard Harry saying something like: "Zayn, I don't think is a good id-" But i don't let him finish his sentence. Because of the mix of alcohol and adrenaline i can't think straight. I just becae furious. And before I realize it I jump on Zayn and scream: "Hazza is mine!!" Zayn don't seem to care so I just scream even louder: "HE'S MINEEE!" Harry tries to calm me "He wasn't doing any-" "MINE!" I interrups Harry. Everyone watches us but I don't care, people can know they can't just mess with MY Harry. "Well, eh Zayn maybe you should-" Zayn interrups Harry "Leave? Yeah I just was about to" Zayn looked really irritaded and stepped away. I smiled happily "Thank you!" I shout at him. Harry takes e int his arms. I stand on my toes and kiss his forehead then i pull my head on his shoulder. He's blushing. "I loved you first" I say quietly. Harry starts petting my hair. "I know, I know"

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