chapter 2:Purple Guy

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I headed over to where the yell was coming from. I looked inside this office and I saw a man that turned into a monster. He had sharp teeth, red eyes, and a snake tongue. He looked like he was all right but when he looked at me face to face. He was going to attack me any second.
"Ahhhhh! What was that thing!?"
"What are you talking about?"
"A-a weird purple guy!"
"Oh no! Not the purple spirit!"
"What is the purple spirit?"
"He is a creature that eats children. One day he met a man. I think you know him as your best friend, Vincent. I'm Freddy by the way."
"I'm Bonnie. What did he do to Vincent?"
"He look at Vincent's in the eye and possessed him. He has controlled Vincent ever since. Well controls him at night at least."
So is that why he turns into a creature, well, purple creature?"
"Is there an antidote?"
"True love."
"Great! It's like I'm watching Frozen again!"
"Nice to meet you Bonnie. I gotta help Foxy down at Pirate Cove."
"LOOK OUT! The purple spirit is right behind you!"
Freddy made a sound and yelled at the purple spirit.
" Vincent! It's your friends!"
Vincent screeched and went the other way and Bonnie was standing right in front of the exit.
"Vincent please stay. I don't want to hurt you and you are not going to hurt me I know you are in pain of holding the monster in. Think about Venues!"
Vincent stops. He turns back to normal and passes out. Later he got into a coma.

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