Chapter 15

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*Alicia's POV*

His lips felt soft and I feel his tongue against my lips. He was trying to get some tongue action! Okay Joel calm down. Smh! As much as I wanted to make it seem like I was mad and annoyed I couldn't. So I kissed him back and allowed him to take it to the next level: tongue action. I have no idea how this works though!

I stood there and let it sink in. Joel the guy I was head over heels for was kissing me. I swear it felt magical and I promise you that I was seeing starts and then it hit me. Joel and I were kissing and if we got caught it was the end for both of us. I quickly broke away from the kiss and took a step back.

As Joel moved closer to me he began to apologize. "Ali I'm sorry."

"You're suck a dork!" I said. He gave me a confused look so I began to explain. "If someone would've caught us it would've been the end of La Banda for both of us. Joel this is too risky."

He came even closer and spoke in a loud whisper. "But no one caught us. And it's a risk I'm willing to take. You'rza risk I'm willing to take"

I wanted to talk some sense into his dumbass but before I could speak again, his lips were on mine. This time is was only a peck. "Ali I'm almost done with rehearsals, if you wait I'll take you to go eat some tacos while we talk about us."

He said us. Are we like going to get together or??? "Alright I'll wait for you in the parking lot."

I walked over to the parking lot and sat on the grass area while I waited for Joel.

*Joel's POV*

I walked back to rehearsals and replayed the kiss over in my head. Ali let me kiss her and not only that she kissed me back. I honestly couldn't wait until we finished practicing so I could go out and finally ask Ali to be my girlfriend.

Rehearsals lasted another 30 minutes and when we were finally allowed to go home I sped walked to the parking lot. I quickly spotted Ali sitting on the grass browsing on her phone. I walked behind her and placed my hands over her eyes. "Guess who!"

"Please be Ricky Martin." she said jokingly.

"Nope. Guess again!" I said trying my best not to laugh.

She removed my hands from her eyes and looked up to me. "Joel." Instead of answering her I decided to go for it and kiss her lips.

She seemed surprised from the kiss but didn't get mad at me or anything. Instead she just smiled at me and began to stand up.

I extended my hand to her to help her up and she took it. "Ready?"

"Yup!" she said with a smile.

"Do you want tacos or something else."

She legit looked at me like the mad emoji (😒) and responded, "Obviously I'm in the mood for tacos. Come on Joel when aren't I?"

I laughed because it's true Ali loves tacos, especially asada ones. "True. Lets go then." I said and took her hand in mine.

Once we arrived at the taco place Ali went over to save us a table and I ordered out tacos. Four tacos de asada with everything for Ali and five for me. I wasn't that hungry. When our order was done I took the plates over to our table and we ate. I didn't acknowledge the kiss or what was going on between us just yet. I wanted us to finish eating so that we could seriously talk about this.

When we finished eating we walked outside and decided to just walk around the city holding hands. She hadn't mentioned anything so I decided to start it. "Ali about the kiss..."

She looked up to me and waited for me to continue.

"Ali we have to talk about it and us. Because I want you to know that I want there to be an us. I want to be able to call you my girlfriend and act all cheesy with you. I really like you Ali and I know we've known each for a small amount of time but you make me feel things I've never felt before. Ali will you be my girlfriend?" I said with all my courage. I really hope she says yes because I meant everything and I really do like her.

She stopped walking and faced me. "Joel I feel the same. I like you and I like you a lot. But I don't want to come in between your career and I don't want you to get distracted because of me. Plus I have my things to focus on too. I just feel like being together will put everything at risk for us."

I stepped closer and started into her eyes. "Ali I said it already and I'll say it again, you're a risk I'm willing to take."

She looked at me. I could tell she was still thinking about how this would ruin it for me in La Banda.

"Ali," I said. "Don't be scared. Well figure everything out. We'll make this work. I promise. So what do you say." I held both of her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. "Ali will you be my girlfriend?"

Authors Note: Hello. Thanks for all the comments and votes. Please keep commenting and voting. I'll try to upload soon but I'm not making any promises cause this week is going to be crazy for me. Also sorry for all my typos.

Anyways! Guys Zabdiel answered my snap Sunday night and I nearly peed myself. Jk but seriously it was like 10:30 so I was in bed and he answered me and I was ready to die cause after Joel, Zabdiel is my other papi chulo. Ahahaha our convo was like this I was like good night and he opened it right away so I said Zabdiel entonces estas activo pero no me respondes. Smh dímelo papi
And he said: dimelooo!
But I panicked and was like ok
Smh @ myself.

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