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Laxus had never been thrilled and horrified simultaneously, but he guessed there was a first time for everything. He felt it'd been both a sort of divine punishment and extreme stroke of luck when the Sevoir guy they were helping said he'd only reserved one room. Though he was worried about the possibility that Natsumi wouldn't be okay with sharing, he still wasn't moved to investigate other options. Not only was he too lazy to do so, but he'd be lying if he said a part of him hadn't been excited. Something else in him, though, knew that it was probably going to be a fucking disaster.

And so, when Natsumi threw open the door to their shared room that evening, threw her pack against a wall—spilling its contents everywhere—and sprawled out on the bed face down, he wasn't the least bit surprised.

Not ready to deal with her at that moment, he walked into the adjoining bathroom—thank God for that—and shut the door. He still hadn't gotten the chance to brush his teeth after blowing chunks on the train ride, anyway.

After he was done, he found Natsumi where he'd left her, except she'd managed to burrow under the covers this time, looking like a vaguely human-shaped lump with long pink hair sticking out of it. Sighing, he approached the bed and gave the lump a sharp poke.

"You take up so much space for someone so tiny. How are two of us going to fit in there when you're sprawled out like that?"

"That hurt, you know! That was my spine," she whined, voice muffled from underneath the comforter. Then, her head popped out, hair ruffled and in her face. The blonde thought it should be illegal to be that adorable, but that the other shoe was going to drop any second, reminding him that this was Nat—who couldn't go ten seconds without putting her foot in her mouth.

"And why are we sharing? Could a giant like you even fit in a normal bed?" And there it was.

"Sure, want to see?"

He swooped in and picked her up, blanket bundle and all, and dumped her on the floor. Then, he threw himself onto the bed. When she fought her way out of the mess of blankets, she scowled at him as she took in his posture: relaxing with both hands folded behind his head, complete with a devious smirk.

"Looks I fit just fine."

Natsumi's scowl continued even as the blankets pooled at her feet. "But how am I going to fit, too?"

His gave her a mock-questioning look, "We're sharing? I thought you didn't want to."

"I'm not sleeping on the floor. Or under the bed. I had to do that once with Gray and it was so uncomfortable."

He wasn't even going to ask.

"So you're saying you want to share with me? Even though I'm a giant?" He really did try to reign in the smile on his face, but it was a pretty lost cause at this point.

She put her hands on her hips, still staring him down. "You are such an asshole."

"Yeah, sure. So are you going to admit it or not?" Laxus was determined to make her say it.

The pink-haired girl sighed heavily through her nose, blowing her hair out of her face. "Ugh, fiiiiine. I want to share the bed with you. Happy?"

"Very." Then he shot up and grabbed her again, this time pulling her onto the bed—and onto him. "See? You were bitching about nothing. We fit fine."

"But only if I'm pressed up against you," she mumbled, her breath coming in short bursts against his skin as she half-lay on top of him.

Laxus smirked at her. "Isn't that the kind of the point?"

He expected the punch that followed, though he wasn't yet used to the amount of actual power behind it.

"Whatever," she pouted, then followed it up with a much quieter "Maybe" that made him smile. She crawled off the bed then, going to her upended pack.

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