The Future Appears

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It had been almost four years since anyone had seen the Savior of Olympus, Percy Jackson. Zeus had called a Council meeting to talk about two things: the whereabouts of Percy and the mysterious man, Blake, who had been bringing demigods to camp and girls to the Hunters. Just as Zeus was about speak there was a flash of bright light and people appeared in midair, falling to the floor of the throne room. Wings spouted out of the backs of two of the people and they began to fly. Both of their eyes began to glow golden and the people falling suddenly slowed in midair. Then one of the people flying raised their hand and everyone in the air lowered to the ground slowly. Both of the figures with wings quickly lowered themselves to the ground.

Then the one who had raised its hand said, "Is everyone okay?" Almost everyone answered yes, or nodded their head, but one girl about three or four years old shook her head, a tear slipping down your cheek. The man frowned and bent down so that they were at the same eye level. "What's wrong, Lu-Lu?" The small girl sniffed and pointed at her badly scraped knee.

"It hurts," she whispered. The man nodded and put his hands over the wound before anyone really had the chance to see it. His hands began to glow and when he pulled his hands away the girl's knee was all better. The girl, who's name the Olympians assumed was Lu-Lu because that was what the man had called her, smiled at the man. The man smiled back at her, picked her up, and began walking towards one of the people who had appeared with him. All the Olympians were shocked when they saw that the person he was walking up to was Artemis and even more shocked when she smiled at him. Their jaws fell onto the floor when he placed Lu-Lu on his shoulders and gave Artemis a short kiss on the lips. 

"What are you doing with my daughter?!" Zeus bellowed. The man turned to Zeus with a look of confusion on his face.

"Lord Zeus, you gave me your blessing to be with your daughter," he said. 

"I did no such thing," Zeus said angrily. The man looked around the throne room again, his gaze stopping on Artemis, and then looked back to Future Artemis (That is what I'm going to call the Artemis from the future so there is no confusion), who was standing next to him. After a moment a look of realization dawned on his face.

"I apologize for any confusion Lord Zeus. I believe my friends and I are from the future, so yeah," he said. Suddenly there was another flash of light and a note flutter down onto Lu-Lu's head and a (good sized) book hit Apollo in the head. Everyone who was supposedly from the future (including Future Artemis) laughed at Apollo. Lu-Lu pulled the note off of her head and, surprising Athena who was watching the girl, read the note like she'd been reading for years, well she read it in her head but her face did not look confused. Then she looked down at the man, who nodded at her. 

"Olympians, Hunters, and Others, 

We decided that you should know about what is to come in the future. So we have brought people from the future back, they will be reading The Queen's Champion with you. These people are from  about ten years in the future. Please do not freak out over anything that they tell you, it will all be explained in the book. Hopefully you won't be in for to many surprises, but you very well may be seeing as we may change our minds at any time. Everyone from the future introduce yourself and then you can begin to read. Everyone is required to read The Queen's Champion. 

, The Fates," Lu-Lu read out loud. Lu-Lu glanced over at a familiar black haired and blue eyed girl. 

"Alright, so introductions. I'm Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis," Thalia said. 

"I'm Phoebe, daughter of Ares, Hunter of Artemis," Phoebe said.

"Bianca DiAngelo, daughter of Hades, Hunter of Artemis," Bianca said.

"I'm Chloe, daughter of Athena, Hunter of Artemis," Chloe said excitedly. The girl with sea green eyes and raven black hair next to her giggled.

"I'm Sophie, daughter of Poseidon, Hunter of Artemis," she said.

"Clarisse LaRue, daughter of Ares, Goddess of Light and minor Goddess of War and Battle," Clarisse said, smiling at many of the gods faces. 

"Luke Castellan, son of Hermes, God of Redemption and the Upper Atmosphere and minor god of Thieves and Travelers," Luke said, also smiling at many of the gods stunned faces. 

"Zoe Nightshade, Olympian Goddess of Maidens, Sea Creatures, Virginity, and minor Goddess of the Hunt," at this every Olympian's jaw fell to the floor, causing Zoe to smirk.

"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Olympian God of Heroes and Loyalty," none of the Olympian's could manage to pick their jaws up off of the floor after this. 

"Artemis and I don't think I really need to say any more than that," Future Artemis said. Lu-Lu bounced up and down on the man's shoulders, her auburn hair flying up and down with her and her multicolored eyes sparkling in the light. 

"My name is Luna, but most people just call me Lu-Lu and my mommy is Artemis," Luna said happily. At this almost all the gods froze in complete shock, Apollo passed out, and Past Artemis (that is what I will call the Artemis from the past) well the best way to explain her reaction is shocked silence. The man looked up at Lu-Lu, feigning hurt.

"I'm offended, you remember Mommy but you forget Daddy, Lu-Lu. It hurts, it really hurts," he said. Everyone from the future, including Lu-Lu, laughed at his antics. Once they quieted down the man spoke again, "Anyways, my name is Blake, and that is basically my whole title." Future Artemis rolled her eyes at him.

"You? You're the one who's been bringing demigods to Camp and to the Hunters?" Zeus asked shocked. 

Blake shrugged, "I mean I did, but I don't really anymore." Before anyone could say anything else, Future Artemis flashed over to where the book had fallen, picked it up, and flashed back to where Blake was.

"Alright, let's start reading. Who would like to read first?" she asked.

"I would, Artemis," Zoe said. She took the book from Future Artemis and opened it to the first chapter. "Chapter 1: The Betrayal." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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