Prologue: I Hate Her

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This part of the story is like a little teaser for the next chapter~ It's also a little hint as to what may or may not happen (I'm still deciding) later~

Coxcomb Red by Songs: Ohia

I hate her.

I hate her long soft red-brown hair.

I hate her ocean-like blue eyes.

I hate her coffee stained slightly crooked teeth.

I hate how the left side of her mouth lifts more than the right when she smiles.

I hate how she twirls a strand of her hair around her finger when she's thinking.

I hate her laugh, how she would snort if she laughed hard enough.

I hate how she would chew her nails when she was nervous.

I hate how she would hug herself when she was uncomfortable.

I hate the dark circles that were always under her eyes.

I hate her eyebrows, how one was always thicker than the other.

I hate her lips, how they were always dry and chapped.

I hate how she would space out at random times and miss parts of a conversation.

I hate how she would be sarcastic when she was angry.

I hate her.

But I most of all, I hate how she broke my heart.

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