The Tasmanian Tiger's Last Roar

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In honor to my most favorite animal: the thylacine.  I have never had the chance to meet any, which is unfortunate, but I wish I had.  These are truly breathtaking animals who have been hunted down by humans; what a shock.  Here's what happened in the eye of the tasmanian tiger's viewpoint, I want to portray it as real as it would've been, so it takes place in 1910 to 1930 around there.  They are extinct now, but there were a few supposed 'sightings' but they have never been tested true.  I hope you like this story, I will put forth all of my effort for these magnificant creatures.  Thank you!

My family was waiting for me at the other end of this fence, but I couldn't get out even if I had wanted to.  My brother was the most trustworthy of them all, because he would come as far as he dared to me when he knew all of the hunters were out for him.  We have a plan to get out, but who knows if it will work, if it will ever work.  I am not quite sure how I could've gotten here, but I do know that the dingos, they are laughing at us.  They are laughing at me.

The wild dogs who come by, their tongues loll out humorously and laugh.  They kill all of the chickens right in front of me, and leave the bones in front of the wires.  They are mocking me, but I will get out or get some revenge for this, for what they had done to me and my species.  They will pay, and something glorious will happen to me, I bet.  In heaven, we will rule over those wild mutts, the dingos, and the merciless humans.  

"NO!  Get away mother!" I whined loudly.  Why is she taking the risk of trying to come over by me?  The stripes on her back shined in the moonlight as she raced, and her tail stood stiffly out.

"I HAD to, Hex.  I have to know you aren't slipping on us." my mother replied looking me over.

I looked at her oddly, "Slipping?  What would make you say such a thing?!  I have witnessed thousands of us killed and sprung up for those nasty human's joy-"

"Exactly," she moaned looking into my eyes.  "You have seen too much.  I saw you were almost killed, but the huamns were merciful to you and put you in wire.  They did not kill you and spring you up by your hide, but you were so close."  I looked into her teary eyes.  I have seen too much.  I have done too much.

"Mother, or Heidi, do not take any more risks for me.  I am fine behind these bars.  If I die today, it shouldn't matter, for most of us were killed terribly by these monsters.  Do not confront any wild dog or dingo.  Their business does not concern us, and they will only kill you.  Take care of my brothers and sisters, mom."  I told her forcefully.  She looked down at the ground and played with the grass there.  "Mom, you have to promise me you will not see me behind this wire again," my voice said unevenly.

"Do you know how hard this is for me?!  Do you even care?" she spat regrettfully into my face.

"Of course, mother, I-"

"I lost Jay, and now I am about to lose you as well!  How can you not understand!?"  she thundered to me the tears slipping.

"I understand, because I am about to lose everyone I know.  You must take them away from here.  Don't ever look back and dont even think about coming back here.  You must promise me,"  I whispered to her calmly.

"Okay, I won't.  But I won't ever forget you, and I will pray for you every day.  I will do this in your honor, as great as I can," she whispered back, then turned.  Her stiff tail was splayed out in back of her, and her head was long.  "I love you," she whispered, then disappeared into the darkness.  

"I love you, too," I chocked, then turned my head towards the sound of a dingo's bark.  They have just gotten another one.  Then, yelling in the direction.  I sighed, then turned towards the small enclosure.  Food was layed temptingly out by the door, but I shoved it out of my mind.  This was the worst kind of death, but better than having to live here any more.  

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