The Fate Of The Hunter And The Baker

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I wake up to the sun shining in my face. A wet pillow cover revealing that i had a nightmare. One i dont remeber. Everything seems a little blurry as i try to stand up, i also become dizzy. Head rush. As i feel a cool breeze on my legs i realize im in a t-shirt of Peeta's, nontheless in Peeta's bedroom. After I returned from District 13, i can barely stand being in my home in the Victors Village. It had rendered over with winds of the past and an unofficially complicated yet paused future, the one she will never get. Prim will never get. Its hard enough to say her name, and the same amount thinking about her. The therapist my mother and i see tell us to know that she...passed...under doing what she wanted mostly to do. Helping people. I put thought to that...but resort to acting like she never existed, as does my mother. That has been an easier way of greiving, or coping. Like if Peeta where to drop dead right now, it would be easier to act like i never knew him than acting like i was in love with him. But that's just it.

I am in love with him. I, Katniss Everdeen am in love with Peeta Mellark. Just that thought brings a wide smile to my face. I walk over to where i have a bag packed in Peeta's room, and pull out a pair of grey, soft pants. After i put those on and fix my hair into a natural side braid, i technically run down the stairs. As i near the kitchen i quiet my steps. Cheese buns...i can smell them now. A smile makes its way onto my emotionless face.

Just then Peeta's gaze turns to me. A smile on his face as well... " Good morning sleepyhead," he says as he walks over to me, wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a light, yet passionate kiss. " Morning," i return with a bat of my eyelashes once the kiss is released. I sit at one of the chairs on the bar of the tall island, Peeta checking the buns in the oven. "So... any plans today?," he asks while removing the tray of the cheese buns from the oven. He looks at me and i shake my head in answer. "Well...i have to run down to the square and run a few errands today, but its kind of personal, otherwise i would take you with me", he says as he takes his oven mitts off and looks at me with his crystal blue eyes and a slightly frowned face.

" Why so secrative?," i ask, hoping he will tell me...but doubtfull of it. He smiles and walks over to me, hugging me, and as i lay my head down on his chest, he says " Just because, personal errands to run darlin', dont worry about it." "Okay then," i return... staring up at him, his smile, everything about him seems perfect. We stand there for several minutes, starring into each others eyes, until a grumbling from my stomach rudely interuppts us. We both laugh very hard, until he lets me go...after he does, i place a cute, teasing kiss on his lips and go over to the cheese bun pan.

He stares at me from behind as i am at the stove, i can feel it. But then i feel his arms wrap around me from behind...i look back and can see that he has his head slightly tilted looking at me. I finish plateing my food, then spin myself around to look up at him, my arms around his neck. "Have you eaten?," i ask. He nods in response. Then plants another kiss on my lips. His cool ones meeting mine. As his going reaches my lips, i accept the kiss, Peeta's hands reaching my sides, beneath my shirt. Thoughts flood my head. No! This is too early... we arent even engaged yet!!! I make a small sound in the back if my throat, and pull out of the kiss, even though i would like to continue.

Peeta looks at me with a strange, yet sorry expression. " Im sorry!," he says....looking straight into my eyes. " I got a little carried away, i didnt mean to, " he finishes. " Save it 'till after the wedding," i say with a smile, as i see him blush. He lets me go...and as i sit back at the table, he starts getting ready to leave. I hear him walk up the stairs, and into the bedroom. " Peeta???," i yell... i wait a second then hear " Yes!?!?!?", he also yells, mocking my tone. I give a slight breathy laugh and the ask " How long do you think your going to be gone?", again i wait for a reply...then hear him coming back down the stairs. " A couple hours maybe, but dear its only 10:00 o'clock in the morning, i should be back soon. Why?," " Just wondering," i return. he looks at me from across the table.

Peeta bids me a goodbye, kissed me, tells me to be safe, and leaves after i do the same. As he shuts the door, i smile. A smile only he can provoke from me. I have been staying fairly happy lately, now that i live with Peeta in his house...which he understands, and frankly enjoys. I start to wonder what Peeta could possibly be doing in the square alone today. It takes me a minute, and i start to think the idea is kind of ludicrous, but i think Peeta might propose to me tonight.

×××××××××××××AUTHORS NOTE×××××××××××

Hey guys!!!!! So this story really was kind of a brain child of mine, and i really really really hope you guys like it...I love love love love love this series, its my favorite, my passion, my drug, my addiction, and soon, my creation will be of the same to you guys too!!!!!!!!:):):):););););););) plz vote... comment........all that:):):):):):):):) LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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