We've Got a Runaway.

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Pull Down. Unzip. Get Busy. Pass Out. Limp back down the corridor. 

My daily routine. 

Or, should I say hourly. 

But this time it was a bit different. Before he 'got busy' he whispered in my ear "Let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster."

But that was Ryan's song. Ryan's line. Why would he know it?

And then it clicked. 

After all, it has been over a year. Panic!'s album was sure to have dropped. 

I sunk down into my corner, silently crying to myself. I'm sure he was with another girl, singing that to her when I know it was meant for me. I hate to be selfish, but Ryan loved me, and I loved him too. But I know if I would've stayed he wouldn't have had the immense success I'm sure he has. 

There was something a bit different about today. The window that was 6 feet tall off the ground shined light down on me and the 3 girls that had been put in the cellar with me. They must be new. 


As the night drew to a close, I saw the full moon rise from the window. It must've been opened up a crack while I was gone, probably to release the stale air. This is the first time I've seen a full moon since I stayed with Ryan. It reminded me of him. After all, everything did. 

I motioned to the 3 other girls to come over to me. They were newbies and if I could convince them to help me escape, I knew it would work. 

Two of the girls who were larger went on all fours. The smaller of the three went on top and I gingerly stepped on their backs. Pushing the window open I slid my body out, Turning around to thank the three girls who just saved me. "Thank You" I mouthed. They all smiled back at me. I felt bad that I couldn't save them but I knew I had to do what was best for me. 

I looked up only to see one of the bedroom lights turn on and the curtains swing open. 

"Hey JIm, we've got a runaway." He called to someone behind him. 

"Hey YOU" the same man screamed down to me.

I started to run. I hated running in nothing but a tshirt, thong and 6 inch heels in front of all these people at this hour. Especially in my condition. 

But I ran. 

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