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In a Bedroom

A young woman around the age of 19 with long wavy blonde hair with a small strand sticking up and stunning blue eyes, was sitting in her room eating breakfast while practicing for an event later today. Every 6 months starting at the age of 18, girls visit the town matchmaker in hopes of being able to be married by 20 years of age. This girl is seen to have written words on her arm and is reciting them.

"Quiet and demure. Graceful. Polite," she repeats as she shoves food in her mouth."Delicate. Refined. Poised. Punctual!" she exclaims as she finishes writing down her notes. The sound of a rooster could be heard in the distance signifying late morning. Surprised she rushes out of bed to get ready for the day, and do her chores.

"Monty!" She calls out while blowing on her arm. "Mo-ah! There you are. Who's the smartest doggy in the world? Come on, smart boy. Can you help me with my chores today?" she coos at the small dog as she attaches a stick with a bone on it and a bag of chicken feed to him. As he starts freaking out and running around she opens the door and lets him run outside. He starts chasing the bone all across the estate feeding the chickens that are just wandering around. Going up to the shrine he paces by the family horse Tony who just looks on with an un-amused expression as he runs passed.

In the shrine is the girl's father, a blonde haired man with bushy eyebrows, blonde hair, deep emerald eyes, and a cane, praying to the ones who passed for the girl to finally succeed in finding a groom. "Honorable ancestors, please help my dear Amelia impress the Matchmaker today." Barking gets louder and louder as Monty runs up to the shrine and around the praying man, dragging chicken seed through the shrine with chickens not far behind. With one final plead he gets up and exits.

As Amelia walks up the stairs of the shrine, she stops and pushes the bone into Monty's mouth. Standing up she bumps into her father, "Father, I brought your...Whoa!" She says as she drops the serving platter with a tea kettle and cup.

Her father manages to catch the tea kettle, "Amelia."

"I brought a spare." She says while she pulls out another cup.

"Amelia," her father says while she pours the tea into a cup.

"Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning..." she says while obviously not listening.


"And three at night."

Her father finally getting her attention tells her, "Amelia, you should already be in town. We are counting on you..."

"To uphold the family honor. Don't worry, Father. I won't let you down," Amelia said reassuringly to her father as she pulls down her sleeve over her ink covered arm. "Wish me luck."

"Hurry!" Arthur, her father yells. Looking down at Monty with the bone in his mouth he sighs, "I'm going to pray some more."

Town square with people running everywhere

"Francine, is your daughter here yet? The Matchmaker is not a patient woman," A woman says as she exits a building acknowledging the two waiting women outside.

"Of all days to be late... I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck." The older woman said. She was very beautiful with dirty blonde hair in a bun, gorgeous indigo eyes, and a very elegant dress.

"Maman I don't think they'd be that lucky, they're all dead," concluded the younger woman. She was about 19 as well and almost identical to Amelia except for her purple eyes and curly hair with a curled strand sticking out. "Besides, according to legend crickets are a huge good luck charm. Mind if I test it out?"

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