Waking Up

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I was slowly waking up. It was the only day of the week for me to sleep in as much as I want. My family knows not to wake me. I tend to hit people when they try to wake me up. Suddenly someone started to shake me awake. Freaked out I punch the supposed attacker. Fully awake now, I'm on my feet only to find I'm not in my room. "What the hell?! Why didja hit me?" Freaking out I start to back up only to hit the bed I was sleeping in. I look down to see a pink bed. I look at the person who shook me awake. Only to find myself looking at two people. A man and a woman. Somehow these two seem very similar to me but with my brain just waking up, I'm still trying to process what is in front of me. I watch the woman try to take care of the man's bloody nose while looking for an exist. I see a door behind them. Taking my chance I run to the door at the other end of the room.
Running down the steps I pull open the door and sprint out of the door only to find myself a few feet from the river. And with my luck I couldn't avoid it and fell in. Coming up for air I notice that the river looks similar to those in Italy. The city was built around the river I was in. And I was at least 10 feet below the road. "Shit how am I going to get out now" I look both directions down and up the river. "Crap crap crap" I notice a latter a good 20 feet away from me. I swim over to it. As soon as my eyes reach street level, the man before with tissue paper in his nose pops up. "Yo" I scream and lose my grip on the ladder. Somehow I didn't hit the water again. I look up and see a blue flying cat holding me up in the air. I sharply draw in air and a name escapes my lips "Happy?" The flying cat sets me down and I sink to me knees.
I look at the man I hit earlier "Natsu?" The woman from before runs up to me and drapes a towel around me "Are you ok?" I look at her. "My name is-" "Lucy?" "How?-" She look at Natsu. "Hey how do you know our names?" "How-what-this this isn't possible. Why-Oh my god I'm dreaming. That's it. I'm dreaming" Natsu and Lucy look at each other. Natsu whispers to Lucy "she's not part of this world and not one of your spirit's world" Lucy looks away and back at me. "Hey do you want to come back with us and have some hot chocolate?" I'm still not understanding what is going on I just nod. Lucy helps me get up and lets me lean against her as because my legs gave out as I stood up.
Once inside she sits me down on the couch and leaves me there. Sometime later I had a cup of hot chocolate in my hands. In the chair across from me Lucy sits down. A few minutes later she spoke "Um how do you know our names?" I look at her. I open my mouth a couple times with no sound coming out. Taking a deep breath I try to calm myself. "I'm sorry for hitting you Natsu. It's a reaction when someone wakes me up." Taking another breath I look at Natsu's clothes. "Well judging from your clothes you guys either already been to the magical games or are training for them now right?" The shock on their faces made me realize I sound like I'm stalking them. "Before you ask questions let me explain. I think this might be a dream. If this isn't my dream then somehow I was placed into your world. If that's true, your world, your lives, is a story in my world." Both Natsu and Lucy looks at me with disbelief. "That would explain why you don't smell like this world." "Yes that would be why." I look at Lucy, and realizing I'm in the tank top and shorts I fell asleep in. "um I hate to ask this but can I borrow some clothes and take a shower please? I understand if you don't, me just randomly popping up in your bed and being a total stranger and all" "oh yes I'm sorry! You must be freezing! Hold on"
She grabs one of her keys on her hip. A shimmer of gold appears and Virgo, her maid celestial spirit, appears next to her. "Punishment princess?" "No no, but I need clothes for her. She fell in the river." "Understood princess" and disappeared. Seconds later she appeared again with clothes and handed them to me. Virgo turns back to Lucy. "Anything else princess?" "No thank you Virgo" Lucy turns back to me. "Oh ya! I don't know your name!" "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Victoria Musica. But I go by Tori." "Ok well Tori, let me show you how to use the shower" After a while I get out and changed into the clothes Virgo got me. I then walked out of the bathroom. "So um Lucy? Can I borrow a brush?" "Oh ya sure!"
She runs up and pass me and grabs a brush and stops. "On second thought, do you want your hair done?" "Really?" "Ya sure! Then we can go to the guild after and try to figure out what is going on. Sounds good?" "Ya sure ok!" She calls out another one of her spirits. After 20 minutes after he finished both of our hair, we set out to the guild. "So have you guys gone to the games yet or not?" Natsu that is in front of Lucy and me speaks first. "Ya we actually got back 4 months ago and today is the second day of opening the new guild" "Really? No way I can't wait to see it in person!" Lucy speaks next. "Ya but first we have to take you to our master. He should know what's going on"
We round the corner to find a three story tall building that takes up at least half a block. The ocean glimmers behind it as the sun rises higher into the sky. We get to the front gate and head straight to the bar to a woman with white hair. "Hey Mira! We need to talk to master" "oh yes of course he's in his office. Who is that that you have there?" "My name is Victoria Musica" Natsu talks behind me. "She goes by Tori" "Well Tori, welcome to Fairy tail!" Natsu starts up the stairs and Lucy goes after him. I turn to Mira "it's nice to meet you Mirajane" and run to catch up with Lucy and Natsu.
I find them standing outside a door. Natsu knocks after I stand behind the two. A voice comes from within. "Yes enter" Natsu opens the door and walks in. Lucy and I follow behind. Behind a large desk an elderly man sits behind and a small girl sits on the desk swinging her legs back and forth. "Mavus?" All four people turn their attention at me at once. "How can you see her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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