chapter 2 (in Launy's POV)

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        We are currently in Germany to get Iridium for the Tessaract. We plan to attack the Gala at 28 Konigstrasse, where the Iridium is stored. In our attack Hawk Eye will go around back and kill the guards so he can be in position at the vault door. I will go in the side door and find the guy running the Gala and take his eye, so Hawk Eye can use its image to unlock the vault door.

        As we put our plan in to action, Hawk Eye finished without a hitch. I went in and had to go through a maze of stares but finally found the man I was looking for, the conductor. There was a guard so I used my staff to knock him out. I then grabbed the conductor and dragged him to the stone table with statues of which resembles that of two rams facing out on either sides. I flipped him on to it and stabbed  him in the eye with the holographic copier. The image was sent to Hawk Eyes device so he could get in the vault.

       I walked out the front door and changed into Loki's Asguardian outfit. People were screaming and running everywhere in a panicked state. I took that moment and took control of the crowd and had them kneel before me. I laughed and began talking.

       "Don't you see? This, is where your kind are meant to be. You are meant to be ruled. Freedom is nonexistent, you are sheep to be herded. I am here to help you, to save you from yourselves." I told the crowd. Then a man of an elderly age stood up.

       "No, we will not be ruled, especially by you." he said. I was furious. I raised my staff and pointed it at him.

       "For your insolence you will be the first to be shown what happens when you cross me." I yelled. I Fired one shot and it hit a shield. Capitan America was there protecting him and I fell because it bounced off his shield. I laughed and got up.

      "Last time I was in Germany and I went up against a man like you we didn't get along too well." Capitan said to me. He threw his shield at me, I blocked it but he fallowed it with a blow to my jaw. I hit him with my staff then blasted him to make him stay at a distance. "Loki you can't do this to these people or anyone. They will always fight for freedom no matter what you do!" Capitan yelled to me.

      "No! All humans were made to be led. There is no freedom can't you see that?!" I yelled in return. Capitan ignored me and hit me again. Then we heard some rock music come on over the speakers and we saw a light coming at us. Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit came down, hitting me square in the chest. He pointed all his weapons at me and I surrendered, after all that's what I wanted.

       I got on the plane that Capitan America had taken to get to me. Half way back to base and a storm started. there was lightning and I was a tad frightened because I knew Thor was Loki's brother. I tried to curl up but being strapped in made that hard.

       "What's wrong? Are you afraid of a little lightning?" Stark asked smugly.

       "No I'm just not overly fond of what follows." I told him. There was a loud bang from on top of the plane and Stark opened the hatch door. Thor came in the cabin and forced me out of my seat and pulled me out. We fell to Earth and I hit first. Thor wanted me to go back with him, yet I was not Loki (he did not know this though).

       "Brother why will you not come home with me?" he asked

       "I am not your brother. Father told you of my true lineage I suppose." I said.

       "No and I care not. you and I played together and were raised together. We are brothers." he told me sincerely.

       " I only remember being in your shadow. I also remember you throwing me into an abyss." I told him. I turned from him and walked up the small hill we landed on. "I was and should still be the king of Asgaurd." I told him.

       "Brother do you really think yourself to be above them?" he asked.

       "Well yes." I said.

       "Then you know nothing of being a king. The thrown would suite you ill." he told me.

       "You need the Tessaract to get me home and I've sent it off, and I know not where." I told him.

       "Brother listen..." he was cut off. Stark had come through and took him away.

       "I'm listening." I said soon after I was taken to the base after Capitan America, Thor and Stark all fought over me. I was placed in a large containment vessel originally meant for the Hulk for if he went out of control. Director Fury told me if I were to even scratch the glass he'd drop me over 30,000 feet straight down. I laughed and sat down in the middle just to watch the force unfold.

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