ⓟrologue: How It Starts

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School and Everything is super busy:(
Just for that I'll give you a chapter so:) here u go
*insert thumbs up*

Cameron's POV:
Wake up in the morning
Feeling like P.Diddy
Grab my glasses,I'm out the door
I'm gonna hit this city
Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Ja-

"Hey! Shut off that music! I'm tryna cook here!!"

Turning off my alarm on my phone( I know I don't like the alarm clock because I spilled water on it, but anywhoreeee...) and stretching, I got off the bed and started hitting the showers. After that morning routine, I looked at my closet to figure out what I'm going to wear.

Am I going in slutty?

Am I going in b*tchy?

Am I going in as a bad boy?

Or I'm going in as an adorable nerd with big glasses and overalls?

I'll go with Number 4.

While putting on my overalls (I'm such a nerd lol) I'll talk about myself.

Hi! I'm Cameron Capri...sun. Just kidding!!! I'm just too funny. Just Capri though. I'm a junior at Wydell High School (made that up) at Wilmington, Delaware. Our school mascot is the singing, dancing, walrus and that happens to be me in that mascot. My favorite subjects is all of them. I am on only child with a single mom. So daddies, look whose single? Meeeee. As you can tell, I'm gay and never afraid. That rhymes lol. I like getting off topic so anywhore, carry on with my story.....

After settling with overalls and high top converse, I went downstairs to greet my amazing mother. She's only amazing because i look like her and hello, can you not see me? She be by the stove cooking those breakfast for my tummy. "Hey honey. Are you ready for the first day of school?"

"No because that's the first day hell begins." Yeah I know a nerd doesn't like school. What are the odds.

"Here you go" as she hands my plate. Yes she made my bacon smiley face.

After I'm done, I said goodbye to my mom and started walking to school. My school is just 10 minutes down the block. Just as I walking, I heard a horn of the car. I turned and saw my ex best friend Sherry with her Mercedes Benz and showed me a middle finger. That whore just because she got pretty over the summer and started hanging out with a bunch of sluts who thinks they rule the school. Remind me later to poke a hole in those tires.

As I barely made it to school and got my schedule, I went to my first class which is Chemistry AP. yay.

I went to the top row, middle seat, I waited for everyone to come in. As each person comes in the door, I survey if I know them or not and so far, nada.

5 minutes later, a horrible person has walked through that door. Sherry Olsen and her leader Bea Henderson. Skanks.

They sat in the back row and probably doing their nails, yuck. I listened to the teacher for a while, until I hear a commotion outside. I turned to the door and the teacher checks what's that outside. He opens the door and runs out there. What the fuck?

Everyone gets up and see what's outside, myself included. I see 2 tattooed boys fighting on the ground and one girl trying to pull them apart and she was crying. Lame. A love triangle.

As I see the two teachers broke them up, one of them looks at me. I try to not look but failed miserably. Like a minute later, he looked away confused and started getting pulled to walk to the principal's office. Weird.

We came back to class and continued school.

*Times fly by fast until lunch*

I sit by myself on a table eating my lunch plate. Yes, beef burger with fries. As I ate, I noticed a lunch tray sitting across was no later than Scott Peters. He is that quarterback football jock that plays other sports. The only other games he plays is people's hearts. Why is he not sitting in his usual table?

"Because I want a sudden change life, you know?" a deep voice answers me.

I look to see him with his blue eyes looking back at me. I said that out loud?

"Yes, you did." Damn it!! I need to stop talking.

I looked to see if I said that out loud. He went back to eating his food. Yay. I looked at him from head to toe. He has black combover hair, olive skin, normal nose with luscious lips that every gender wishes they touched with their own lips, sharpest defined jawline and wearing their varsity jacket. Yummmyyyyy. Didn't know they served dessert in school?

The school bell rings and everyone get up to leave, including us. He looks at me and asks,"What's your name?"

"Cameron. Cameron Capri," I said.

"Cameron," it's sound so sexy with my name,"we should do this again." Then he winked and left.

I am super shocked that he talked to me. Me! The kid who rather read a book about sports than to do sports. Well time to get back to learning.

*Time skips to the end of school*

Everyone leaves to their own bus and their own cars, while I walk home all sticky and sweaty. While I was walking and wanted to grab my keys from my bag, I didn't t find them. Must have left it in my locker. I went back inside and went to my locker and got my keys and some of the textbooks that the teachers assign us to bring home. Then all of a sudden, I hear an argument. I turned around and there he was. The one that stared at me. The rebellious bad boy with tattoos.

I see him.

I see him just across the hallways.

Him clutching a poor innocent's shirt raising him up with his back against the lockers.

And here I am watching. Holding my books and biting my lips out of nervousness.

That's it. I walked up to them and I grabbed the rebel's hand that was still clutching the shirt.

He looked at me with those raging eyes and said," Get lost Nerd" as he tries to get rid of me.

"Leave him alone," barely a whisper

"What did you say?" and he lets go of the kid and basically running off. "Stop being such a meany."

He laughed and said, "Alright cutey pie." He started walking but I'm not leaving him without a warning.

"If you bully someone again, I'll beat you up." He stopped waking and turned around stalking towards me. "Did you just threatened me?"

Oh shit I'm dead.

Up there is that adorable nerd!
Cameron Capri as Blake Steven
I'll update whenever I can so anywhore..............

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