#Every Day

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Here we are... In the best days of our lives.

Hello readers.

Kushina, Sei, and Weisman also knelt on the ground. It was not just because they were tired but also because they knew that someone will never come back again. They felt the power of Slate running in their veins but they can also feel tears flowing in their cheeks. "Lieutenant. You did a great job", Reishi held his hand for Kushina and Sei. "Arrest them", Reishi instructed. Fushimi is still holding Gino with him. "She's already free", Gino smiled. "Stupid. Dont talk just sleep", Fushimi gritted his teeth.

6 months passed.
Fushimi is working at Scepter 4's headquarter. "Sir, you have a visitor", Domyouji informed. Fushimi went at the cafeteria and saw Weisman. They went outside the building and walked around the garden. "How's your body? You have to visit every 2 weeks for your black flame extraction. That will be bad for your health", Weisman explained. "Where's Nami? She wasnt here since last week?", Fushimi asked. Weisman smiled. "Why? Are you finally falling for the girl?", Weisman teased. "What are you talking about? I owe her big time", Fushimi explained. "Aizawa-san is with Neko and Kuro. They are escorting Kushina in putting back the Slate to Mihashira tower", Weisman informed. "That tower again", Fushimi clicked his tongue.

They went out the Scepter 4's building and rode the car. Fushimi was the one driving it. Weisman saw a story book that was made personalized. "You're really persistent arent you?", the Weisman asked. "What other choice do I have?", Fushimi asked. "Oh right... Today is the third day", Weisman recalled. They stopped by a recovery center. Fushimi picked fresh flowers from the garden and gave a weak smile. Fushimi went straight into a room and knocked.

Room 406
Fushimi's POV
It was almost 6 months that my routine was the same. I woke up everyday thinking of her waiting in this room. I can picture her looking outside the window with calm stares. Then...she would look at me and smile... And ask...".

"Who are you?".

I've gotten used with the pain but I cannot get used by seeing her like this. "My name is Fushimi Saruhiko", I introduced myself. "My name is Aisaka. Nice to meet you", Aisaka...uhm.. Shinoa will also introduce herself. The next thing she'll do is to close the window and ask me to sit beside her since she cannot walk. The Slate took that ability of hers. Plus, she cannot gain memories. Everything that I'll be telling her will be erased the next day. It wouldnt matter if I make her laugh or cry. Because she wont remember... It was 3 days when the doctor said that there were irregularities in her routine. Weisman told me not to have high hopes. I gave the flowers and brought out the story book. "I want to tell you a story...", I will always tell this story everyday. I will make her fall in love for me again everyday. I will make her feel special for me everyday. As I will always trust her everyday that she will keep her promise that she will come back because she is my King..

I revised the old ending.

I might get killed if I'll end this again like I did in the previous ending :D

Thank u for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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