Chapter Forty-Two

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Just effing breathe.

My back was burning from all the not-subtle stares.

I was in Morrisons. As I had completely forgotten about Hugh, he'd been giving me pestering activities for making it up to him. That has been happening for the last two days. Telling him that I was truly sorry pouting at him for several times had been completely unsuccessful.

The fact that I was on the cover of several magazines and newspapers hadn't helped my cause at all.

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed randomly different items from the counters. My feet were carrying me all over the supermarket without really knowing where I was going to or what did I needed in the first place. Hugh was being completely immature about it and from all the stupid little things I had to do, this was by far the worst one.


I haven't left the house much since Sunday. At least five photographers have been waiting for any sign of me on the other side of the sidewalk. Scott and I made the front covers of Hello! And Ok among other magazzines.

How I hated to be the center of attention. Sonya would have been delighted, I thought sourly.


Now I'm bringing my slutty former best friend to the whole mess.

Without really noticing, I was now standing in line in one of the less crowded cashiers. I looked at my cart and my eyes widened at the sight of it. It was brimming with all kinds of stuff.

When had I grabbed a large package of minced beef and onion pies from the freezer department?

"Did you found everything you were looking for?"

"Yeah." Even more...

What on earth did Hugh want in the first place? He was making some kind of pasta...

"Excuse me?" A large hand touched my shoulder lightly.

The blond cashier gave me a small smile. She looked around thirty. She had a white shirt on and the brand's signature green apron .The beeping sounds of the checker were playing on the background as I turned around.

There were three guys behind me. The one who had called for my attention looked around twenty-eight and had a black t-shirt on with a daftpunk logo and denim jeans. He had reddish spiky hair. His eyes were green and had freckles on his nose.

The way he was looking at me made me uncomfortable. I felt like a piece of meat as his eyes travelled from my feet to my face and a smirk played on his face.

It wasn't as if I was wearing something nice, either.

I had grabbed a faded jeans and a large electric blue jacket on top and wasn't even wearing makeup. The other two guys were looking at me in the same way and had their arms crossed in front of their chests. They were brunettes but shared the same hairstyling as well as the combination of clothes.

"Yes?" I asked awkwardly as I looked to the sides to see if they were truly trying to talk to me.

"We were wondering, my mates and I, how much would you charge for the three of us?" He asked with a heavy irish accent and a devilish smirk.

His question caught me off guard. I blinked at him for a moment before I stuttered, "w-what? I don't understand what you're talking about..."

"Oh. You understand perfectly" he raised an eyebrow.

My heart was beating a mile a minute. Trying to sound completely unaffected, I said "You got the wrong person."

Fuck off, pal.

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