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Y/N- Babe,I know...Mhmm Yeah i reaaally want to but I can't....

Diggy-How long are you babysitting?

Y/N-Till 10:00 .

Diggy-Man!I was really lookin foward to us going to the lake then to a movie.....Then even take you out to dinner today.

Y/N-Sorry Babe... I love You,Please don't be mad at me, it was last minute and I haven't had time to call..

Diggy-,I'm not mad.

Y/N:Okay.. so If I hangup your not going to cry. *laughing quietly*

Diggy:Pshhh no!.............Aye I miss you!!

Y/N-I miss you too,I'm glad you back in town ...

***Your doorbell rings***

Diggy:I'm assuming you have to go?

Y/N-Yeahhh.. Love you talk to you later..

°°°Baby's Name-Drew~~


DM-Hello YN!

You-Hey . So till 10 right?

Dm-Yess.Here is all his stuff.He just took a nap,so he is not sleepy.Keep him entertained.feed him if he's hungry but don't feed him after 8 okayy.?... *Hugs You*

You-Umm Okay then!...

Dm-Bye *Hands over Drew and Drew's bag*(leaves)

You-Hi baby Drew

Drew-*Starts Crying*

You -Okay somebody is not happy.

Drew-*Crys Louder*

You-Shit.... Opps can't say that even thoe you can't really understand

Drew-*Stops Crying*

You-*squeals* Yess

Drew-*Starts to cry again

You-Okay lets watch some Yo Gobble gabba Or whatever it's called.

* 2Hours Later*


Y/N- Ugh You should be tired I just fed you


Y/N-Maybe I should burp you.

Drew-(Barfs on your shirt.)

Y/N-Ohhh my gosh Ewwww Uggghhh!
Lil nasty!
----Text from Diggy----

D-Having Fun?

Y-No,just got barfed on. 😣😒

D-Should have came with me...😏

Y-Whatever✋🏽 Brb gotta change my clothes.👋🏾

D-Have fun! 👶🏽

Y-Stop -_-😐

D- What I do?😕


After you change your shirt you try to put Baby Drew to sleep but he keeps crying

(Diggy Calls You)

Diggy-How are You

Y/N- Not good I wanna go to sleep.

Diggy-Aye I gotta go

Y/N-Daniel noo..

---He hung up---

After You put Baby Drew to sleep finally you hear your doorbell ring

(You open door)


D-Babe! I Came here to help

Y-Awww thanks babe! I'm not havig the best time..

Diggy-Come here baby (Hugs you and kisses your forehead)

(You lay on the couch and fall asleep in his arms.

You wake up & Daniel is gone you hear laughing and walk in to your bedroom .

Baby Drew is peeing on Daniel as he trying to change a diaper.

Diggy-Ugh... He peed on me.

You-Leave the babysitting to me..


You Laugh really hard then Daniel trys to give you hug but you run away.. xp

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Love DeniseLol123

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