Background info for the story istelf.

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This would not fit on the detail thing, so here it is.

Please refer to this regularly.

Background information of the story:
1. Mikasa and Armin are both killed by Titans before chapter one.

2. Eren's conscience isn't active when his eyes are red; his entire list of traits shifting to the opposite.

3. Hanji is genderneutral, though mostly referred to as "she/her."

4. Eren, when his eyes are red, is less shy around Levi than usual and is more likely to touch the Corporal in ways he normally would blush over. Marks Levi often with different outcomes, some leaving more permanent marks than the more loving ones. I'll just leave you to guess what I mean for both of those...

5. No one knows exactly what causes the switch between Eren and... Eren. Levi thinks it's the trauma of losing Mikasa and Armin, after losing his mom. Both Erwin and Hanji don't know how or why it happened, but also has no way of finding out for sure.

6. The story will move rather quickly, a lot of things being missed throughout the story if you do not pay attention.

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