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Italy's POV

Today I'm making some pasta for me and Germany! Japan can have some too if he wants, but he'll probably stick with his sushi.

As I cook, Germany is constantly cleaning up the messes I make. He does so much for me! Germany is my best friend!

I think about how lucky I am to have a friend like Germany while I cut up some tomatoes. I bring the knife down to make another slice, when my hand slips!

The knife cut into my thumb, but I stopped it before it went in too deep. Germany, who was watching over my shoulder, gasped and leapt into action.

He grabbed my hand carefully and led me to the bathroom. He seemed very concerned.

"Doitsu, I'm okay, it was only a small cut." I tried to reassure him.

"Ja, I know. But we should still take care of it, just in case." Germany disinfected my thumb and wrapped some gauze around it.

When he was done, I gave Germany a large hug. "Thank you, Germany! I'm glad we're best friends! Ve~"

He stood still for a second, then returned my hug. "You don't need to thank me, Italy. I'm glad we're friends too. Do you still want to finish making your pasta?"

"Of course silly!" I shouted, bouncing. "Let's-a-go!" We went back to the kitchen and continued on with our day.


Hey, that one person reading this, you should read a story way better than these shorts, it's by SuperNerdySingerGirl . Check her out! She made me that chart at the beginning. Thanks!


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