Prologue - How could I be so stupid

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Chapter 1 - How Could I Be So Stupid

"Long ago, before the war between our kind and another, humans lived in peace. Humans were not shipped off like garbage, or stepped on like mud. Not feed on like desert. Not sold like food.

Every human had a purpose, a place to belong, something and someone to fight for.

There were bakeries and shops, malls and hardware stores, fields and flowers, and no one ruled above another one.

Until 2050, they came by ship, plane, and cars. Some even were the ones we called ours. Oblivious us humans are, dontcha think if we were smarter we would have seen the signs of the war.

We fought with every breath in our bodies. But they were stronger. We shot every gun, drew every sword, swung every punch, yet they were still stronger.

Now you listen here Clare, they are monsters don't let them fool you. Our family was lucky we weren't found. Forced to do a vampires dirty work doesn't sound fun to me. Now you get some rest baby, we will be out of here by morning, we can't have trackers tailing us now can we?"

I giggled at mama's attempt to coax me into sleeping."But mama we haven't finished the story!!!" I wined with my five year old voice.

Mama scraped the hair out of my face with her left hand. "Now baby, I'll finish it when we get to the new sight." I sigh giving in to her words.

"Okay mama." She smiled at me, leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight baby. I love you." I giggle at her wiping my forehead to rid myself of her kisses and she smiled at my scrunched face. Giving me multiple kisses more to make up of the one I had wiped.

I wined giggling; "Mamaaa!!! Stop it mamaaaaa!" She smile down at me and stopped.

"Goodnight my darling."

"Goodnight mama." And with that she joined the other mothers in the mommy tent as I called it.

I could not sleep. I let mama's story replay in my mind. These vampires sounded so cool. I pushed off of my side and peaked through the hole in the top of our tent looking at the full moon.

I heard a growl and shrunk back into the covers, I then heard a soft whimper. Someone was hurt! I knew I was not allowed to go outside the babies tent but I couldn't help myself. I crawled out of the opening stay in crouched like a bunch of cheetahs would if on a hunt. About one hundred yards away I saw an animal on the ground it's front legs bent in an awkward angle and it's back legs kicking at the ground in an attempt to make it to the forest.

Suddenly intrigued, I looked back at the mommy tent and the daddy tent before rising to my feet and taking off in a Sprint towards the wounded animal. By the time I got to the animal it had made its way about ten yards back into the forest. I creeped into the forest cautiously and the animal, I now noticed was a wolf stopped moving looking at me.

"Its okay little guy I won't hurt you, I'm just gonna help you." The wolf stopped moving and I noticed it's pale yellow eyes.

It was such a pretty wolf I thought to myself. I reached out to touch the creature and found it completely unharmed. Good as new. I giggled at the wolf as it's head came to my hand. He was big. Mama said wolves have a human form and most heal quickly when under a full moon.

I gasp. Mama said to not leave the tent. I gaze back at the field and see a thick film of fog as corrupted the area. I return my attention to the wolf, whose eyes had widened at the fog. The fog was slipping into the forest and the wolf hurriedly nodded it's head in a motion to get on its back. I obliged and giggled, it's not everyday I get to ride on a wolf. The wolf ran to a great oak tree just as the wind started to howl and wisp through the air. He got on two feet and hoisted me into the tree. He pushed me up further into the tree. I looked down and whimpered seeing that I was at least twenty feet off the ground. The wolf spoke to me softly.

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