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"TAEKYUNG WITHDRAW IT YOU FUC—" I quickly withdrew mine and exploded it on her waist, "you tired me so much." I said hugging her, still on top of her,

"If you didn't withdraw it then I'll get pregnant and you'll be a father!" She pushed me, causing me to fall on the floor.

"So?" She sat down and sighed heavily, "so? you'll get me pregnant." I knew she was holding it in, and I was right.

"I'm never gonna talk to you again!" She tried to stand up, but her body can't even move muscle. "If you want me to help you, I could."

"No thanks." She crossed her arm and then I saw it, hyung's initials were printed on her right hip.

"When did you get that?" I pointed her tattoo, "oh this, I got it on his birthday. I'm gonna show this to him on our anniversary." She said as if she was so happy,

"Oh, really? It's cute." She smiled shyly then punched my arm. "We're still naked," she said staring at me, when I looked at her, the first thing that came in to my mind wasn't really lust. It was tingles.

"So, what if I fall for you?" She laughed hard and punched me once more.

"Wow, I never imagined you to be head over heels with me. I can only imagine you having crush on me, but inlove with me? Nah." She tied her hair up, bun style, still undressed. "So if I fall inlove with you, will we stop this?"

"Obviously, yes." I tried acting strong, yeah, "but why though." She looked at me in the eye, "we promised each other that this'll just be for fun, and dude, I'm getting married." She showed me her wedding ring, yes, she's getting married, 2 years from now I think.

"Yeah, but your feelings might go from 100 to 0."

"You think I'll leave Myungjae for you?"

"Maybe, who knows?" She finally had the guts to stand up, even though her legs were kinda weak. "I know. I won't leave him, I love him." That hit me. So bad.

"Then why'd you let us have an affair and you told me I completed you!" She stopped buttoning her shirt, and raised an eyebrow. "So you're telling me," she pointed at herself, "that you love me?"

"No I don't! I was just asking you." She smiled, "okay then. acquaintances forever okay?" She offered her pinky finger,

"What do you mean?" She glared at me, ordering me to do the same. "When I get married, this will end. But I still want us to be friends." She smiled, still waiting for me to reach out her pinky.

"Y-yeah, we'll still be friends."

"Unnie!" Shee turned around just to see a Leeyan smiling at her while holding something, "hi!!!!" Shee said as she hugged Leeyan,

"Unnie, happy anniversary!" Shee's brows creased, causing confusion between the two.

"Sorry unnie, but happy anniversary to Seuljae! You've been dating since last year! I'm so happy!" Shee maintained her poker face, "well, at least you're happy."

"Why unnie? What happened?" She looked down and tried to smile, it has been years since she felt this kind of pain, it stabbed her.

"He forgot our anniversary- nothing big really." Leeyan hugged her and patted her back, mouthing soothing words to her.

"Unnie, don't worry, I'll still be here for you! I won't leave you, I swear." Shee smiled at the thought of Leeyan being her best friend was the best thing that has ever happened to her, but guilt chew her, she's doing something with her best friend's boyfriend. "What if I've done something that'll cause you too much pain, would you still love me? will we still be best friends?" Leeyan laughed simultaneously, it was an obvious question, Leeyan would say 'yes.'

"Of course Unnie! You're the twin I never had! You're always the best, and I love you!"

"Just promise me one thing unnie okay?" Shee nodded and smiled weakly at her, "never lie to me." That was the statement that Shee was afraid of, "I know people would always lie to me, they're fake, you're not, that's why I got to keep you unnie." Guilt was eating her, she never knew those words would come out of Leeyan's mouth. Every time Leeyan says those, Shee would just laugh and tell her to shut up. But now it's different, everything and everyone's different.

"You're special to me unnie." That was it. Shee knew that she's been in the middle of a war that she enjoyed, she never thought that this enjoyment of hers would build a castle of guilt deep inside her. This feeling was so new to her, "I need to sleep, yan." Leeyan nodded and wrapped their comforter on Shee's body,

Leeyan, I'm sorry.

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