Welcoming Arms

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I rubbed my eyes turning over seeing it was time to get up...first day of school. Great. I walked towards the adjoining bathroom to my room and decided on a nice warm shower since I was up so early. It was honestly hard to sleep...next door to such a handsome person. Is it wrong to find my new brother attractive? I mean we not blood right? 

I sighed finishing up my time in the shower and heading back to my room to get dressed. Once that was done and I felt okay with my first day of school fit, I headed down stairs seeing my mum and Daniel, Chris's dad drinking coffee.

"Morning baby" Mum said with a huge smile on her face.

At first i was skeptical to moving, but Daniel was so nice to me and clearly him and my mum loved each other. I couldn't complain either, he was a way better dad than my dad ever was.

"Morning, morning Daniel" I said sitting beside him.

"Good morning Joanna, how was your first sleep in the house?"

I chuckled lightly. 

"It was fine thank you"

"You ready for your first day of school?"

"You could say that" I said with a small shrug. 

"Shit am I late?"

I turned round admiring Chris, he was in a all black nike tracksuit and just looked fresh to death.

"Boy sit down and eat something, there's still time, if you wouldn't keep thwoing your alarm clock around you would be up on time" Daniel said making both me and my mum chuckle.

"Yeah yeah whatever pops" He said walking over. "Goodmorning" He said before sitting down.

"Son, both me and Denise have to be at work early so your going to need to take Joanna to the school office and show her around"

I fiddled with my fingers feeling some what nervous.

"Mann, yeah yeah whatever, you need to tell her to change" He said mumbling the last part but we all heard.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I said finally deciding to speak up.

"You got on some tight ass jeans and some little baby top with makeup, thought you was 16 not 26"

"One, I don't have makeup on only mascara and two, its not a baby top its a crop top get it right"

"Woah woah, both of you stop it please" Mum said finally talking.

I rolled my eyes, slightly pissed off now.

"There's nothing wrong with her close, she gets her body from me" Mum try to joke.

"Mhmm" Daniel said eyeing her.

"umm, I'm tryna eat"

"Anyways, yall stop bickering and get to school, we should be back before yall" Denise said with a small smile.

I watched as they both picked up their keys and left. Great.

"Meet me outside in 5 or I'm leaving without you" Chris said before leaving me in the kitchen alone.


After the night I had I wouldn't have expected to still be looking at Joanna the way I was, but here I was lusting lowkey after her. What was wrong with my mini me? Once I got my bag I picked up my keys heading out seeing the boys talking to Joanna.

"I see yall met Joanna" I said as we all begun walking towards school.

"Yeah and lil baby fine af" David said licking over his bottom lip.

Joanna started giggling.

"Low it bro, she's a minor anyways"

"How old are you?" Luke asked.


"Oh hell nah" They all chimed at once causing me to laugh.

The walk was only 10minutes once we got there all eyes were on us. 

"Who's that?"

"She cute or whatever"


"Can she ride stick?"

"You mean drive fool"

I rolled my eyes as we walked through the school doors. I drapped my arm over her shoulder.

"Damn Chris this you now? What happened to Bri?"

"Look" My voice got louder so all eyes were really on us.

"This is my step sister, yall fuck with her Ima fuck yall up, simple"

Everyone started whispering and then mind their own business.

"You run the school or something?" Joanna asked finally moving my arm.

"Sum like that" I said with a small smirk.

"And what do we have here?"

"Here we go" Jeremy mumbled.

I chuckled lightly.

"Sup baby" I said pulling her into me planting a small kiss on her lips.

"Mhmm, who's this?"

"My step sister I was telling you about last night"

"Last night?" Luke joked with his eyebrow raised.

"Nigga, mind your business, take Joanna to the office for me"


"I can find it myself" I said lowkey pissed that he would rather suck off some girls lips then do what his dad asked.

"Damn girl loose the attitude" The girl said flipping her hair.

I instantly felt myself getting more pissed so I just decided to walk off finding the office on my own.

"You must be Joanna" The head teacher said smiling letting me in.

"That's me" I said with a small smile.

"Well, here's your schedule and if you need anything please don't be afraid to come in from time to time I'm always here" She said with a small chuckle.

"Thank you"

I smiled before leaving the office with a small sigh. I could tell this was going to be a long day. The bells went off I guess letting us know it was time for class. I looked down at my schedule while walking knocking straight into someone...



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