Chapter 7: A Stroke of Luck

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He doesn't know, Kyoko thought, skipping down the hall

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He doesn't know, Kyoko thought, skipping down the hall. He has no idea it's me! As she passed a member of the technical staff on the way to the lunchroom, she remembered herself, smoothed out her skirt, and returned to her usual staid gait. The moment the man was gone, though, she burst into a grin and performed a gleeful pirouette.

She wouldn't have to endure insults, yelling, or his arrogant, condescending attitude. For the next week, he would maintain his aloof, cool-guy image—and since to him, she was just another actress he'd be working with, he wouldn't so much as glance at her outside of filming. Sure, she'd still have to kiss him, but the kiss itself was nothing compared to a week of shooting with a Shotaro that was aiming to annoy her.

Of course, Kyoko knew that at some point the truth would come out, and she'd probably be the recipient of more angry, accusatory phone calls, but there was no point in thinking about that now.

Best of all, she thought happily, no one will think we're dating each other. Everyone will just see us former co-workers who don't get along.

Wait! It suddenly occurred to her. Everyone! The last thing she needed was to have the cast and crew expose her before the cameras even started rolling. She needed to take precautions—last time she'd been in this position, she'd had the advantage that only Mimori knew who she was, but this time, everyone on set was a risk.

This revelation taken into account, she rushed back to the dining area. The director was heavily immersed in a discussion with his assistant director and the more protagonistic members of the cast, but pushing her natural unassuming tendencies aside, she marched up to his table, bowed suddenly and sharply, and cutting the man off midsentence, said, "Excuse me, Director, but there's something I need to discuss with you."

The director openly stared at her, mouth gaping in surprise. Of all the people to interrupt him, especially in such a public way! "Um...of course, Kyouko-chan. How can I help you?"

"I want...rather, I would like..." she stuttered, head still lowered.

"Yes?" the man prompted.

"If it's no inconvenience..." she continued vaguely, clearly losing her nerve.

"Kyouko-chan, if we need to discuss this in private—"

She finally jerked up, shaking her head violently. "No, everyone should hear," she said. "I would appreciate it if, for the remainder of filming for this week, everyone could please refer to me as Natsu."

Director Annaka took a moment to absorb the odd request, then responded,

"...can I ask why?"

Kyoko paled. Of course he'd need a reason! Think!

"Um...well..." she said, avoiding his gaze. I can't tell him the truth; that would defeat the whole purpose! If they know that we're more than co-workers there's no way they won't read something romantic into our relationship.

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