Chapter 12

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~Scarlett's POV~

I unlocked the door and stumbled into the house. It was 5:15 and i was just getting back from my date with Harry. I had decided not to spend the night at Rylee's, wanting time to myself to think through all that happened today.

I threw my bag on the chair in the front hall and bounded up the stairs to my room. Pulling on an oversized hoodie and sweats, i blasted the air conditioning, just so i could enjoy the comfort. Even though i had eaten it just hours before, i called and ordered a large pepperoni pizza just for myself. I plopped down on my bed and switched on the TV that sat on my dresser and waited for the pizza.

My thoughts drifted away from the TV, thinking of my day spent with Harry Styles. I hadn't laughed that hard in a while, ill admit. Sure i had lots of fun with Rylee all the time, but i always seemed to be worried about something. Whether it was making sure Rylee didn't do anything to crazy and stupid, or cleaning the house and waiting and hoping my parents will come home. Which they never did.

But with Harry, all my worries and responsibilities seemed to disappear. He made me feel like a little kid again, racing on the slides and making faces at each other on the carousel. Even the way he pulled me out of the restaurant once people started to notice him. I felt protected, safe, and most of all, happy.

But was it to good to be true? Or was i just extremely paranoid? I mean, he was Harry Styles, why would he be interested in me? He could have any girl he wanted. But would i let him have me? Did he even  want me? I had to stop asking myself these questions, and get some answers.

I swung my legs off my bed and ran across my room and grabbed my laptop off my desk. Sitting back down, i logged in and searched Harry Styles relationships. Stalkerish, i know, but i needed answers.

Immediately results popped up, displaying pictures and articles all supporting the topic. I scrolled through and found a number of pictures and paragraphs all showing information about a past relationship with the undoubtedly famous, Taylor Swift. Huh. Didn't see that one coming.

Scrolling further, i discovered Taylor had supposedly written a song about the relationship with Harry. Not a surprise. I clicked on an article written by a fan of Taylor, and read,

"I'm so glad 'Haylor' is over. I feel bad Taylor had to do deal with that scumbag's shit, i can't imagine what he did to her."

Oh. Not what i was looking to read.

I found several more comments similar to that one, and decided to try and find someone on Harry's side.

Surprisingly enough it didn't take long, and i found double the amount of positive comments, all equally as harsh toward Taylor as the others had been toward Harry. I sighed and shut my laptop, having enough for one night.

Although the positive notes from fans had been exactly that, positive, i wasn't sure what to believe, the hateful comments nagging at the back of my mind. And who said he wanted to date me? Here we go with the questions again Scarlett, i scolded myself.

I had barely known him two days, and had despised him half that time, who said he even liked me that much? Again, my thoughts traveled back to today, the way he spun me around after i had looked away, embarrassed about kissing his cheek. And the passion i felt, with that first kiss, the way his arm curled around my waist....

I was shaken from my thoughts as the doorbell rang and i hopped off my bed and ran for the door. I was greeted by a wave of heat as i swung open my bedroom door to head downstairs, leaving the luxurious air conditioned comfort of my room behind me. Tearing off my sweatshirt i bolted down the stairs and received little relief from the subtraction of clothing.

Grabbing a twenty dollar bill from my purse in the hall, i flung open the front door and nearly ripped the pizza box out of the poor man's hands before tossing him the twenty and yelling, "Thanks! Keep the change!". I slammed the door in his face and ran back up the stairs taking two steps at a time, grabbing my hoodie along the way.

What i did was probably the reason why i didn't have that many friends. I wasn't exactly what you call a "people person". I shrugged the thought off and headed back into the safe haven of my air conditioned room.

I dropped the pizza box on my bed and tore a slice from the beautiful pizza pie and lay back on my bed, enjoying the peace.

It didn't last long before my phone began to buzz beside me. I jumped as the thought crossed my mind, could it be Harry? I snatched the phone up off my bedside table and read the caller ID, Rylee. Dammit.

 i hit the accept button, "Hello?" i called into the speaker.

"TELL  ME EVERYTHING." Rylee screeched. I groaned.

"Rylee not now, I'm tired i just got back a little while ago, just come over tomorrow morning, okay?" i said.

I heard her sigh."Fine. But just tell me, did you have fun?" she questioned. I knew when she said fun that she meant, well, kissing and shit... Which we did do.... I decided not to tell her, figuring she'd pester me with questions, which i wasn't in the mood for.

"Rylee, not now. I'll see you in the morning." I said and hung up before she could complain.

I sighed, laying back down again and closing my eyes, leaving my pizza on top of the box. Minutes later, i drifted to sleep, replaying my moments with Harry over and over in my head.


I woke up the next morning, not to the sun shining through my window, but Rylee pounding on my door. "Scarlett Volz open the door right now or i will climb in through the window!" i heard her call. i groaned rolling out of bed. I suppressed a gag as i realized i had let the pizza sit in my room all night, causing it to stink up my room. I grabbed the box and headed downstairs, tossing the box in the fridge before heading the the front door to let Rylee in. What could possibly be so important? Oh, my date with Harry of course. I smiled, remembering yesterday once again as i swung open the door.

Rylee stormed in, a newspaper in hand. Her expression read that she was a mix of excited, shocked and frustrated, I knew her too well. Oh God.

"You couldnt've at least told me that this happened?!" she practically screamed, shoving the paper in my face. When i saw the picture on the cover, my heart stopped. There, on the front page of the Boston Globe, was me and Harry, his arms wrapped tight around my waist, mine around his neck as he kissed me in the park just yesterday.

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