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Jimin walked towards his friends who were all sat around their usual table, trying to figure out a way to invite them to Namjoon's party. He was still wondering if he should invite Jungkook or not, wondering whether it would cause any problems or not.

It most likely would.

But he couldn't invite everyone with the exception of his boyfriend. That wouldn't end very well.

"Hey guys" The red head smiled as he took a seat, being greeted by his friends. "What's up?" Hoseok asked. "Not much" He turned to Jungkook who laced their hands together and smiled. "Hey Kookie" The younger returned the smile, shuffling closer to his boyfriend.

Jimin paused for a moment, organizing his thoughts in his mind. It wouldn't be too bad if he just asked them out right. "Hey guys? There's a party this weekend and we're all invited, wanna go?" He asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

His friends all glanced over at him, questioning looks on their faces. "Who invited us?" Jin asked curiously. "Namjoon hyung" Jimin replied, acting as if it was the most normal thing in the world despite the group never having spoken to Namjoon before.

"Namjoon? The silver haired one?" Yoongi questioned, Jimin nodding his head as everyone recalled their last encounter with the mentioned boy. "Taehyung's friend, right?" Jin said, slowly looking over at Jungkook's reaction to all this.

The younger didn't seem to react. He was expressionless.

"Yeah. He said that we could all go. It seems fun, we should go" Jimin said with a small smile, trying to avoid eye contact with his boyfriend next to him.

"I'm in, I don't have anything better to do with my weekend anyway" Hoseok shrugged, Yoongi nodding along in agreement. "Yeah, we might as well go" He added. Jimin waited for Jungkook's input but nothing was said.

Jungkook was silent.

"Okay, let's all meet there. I'll find out the address and text you" Jimin simply said with a small smile. His friends agreed to it and were about to start up another conversation when Jungkook spoke up.

"I'm not going" He stated, removing his hand from Jimin's. The latter furrowed his eyebrows at that. "Why not?" He questioned, turning to face his boyfriend. He wasn't really in the mood to argue with Jungkook but he didn't want him to continue hating Taehyung.

"Because he's gonna be there. Why would I want to go and see him throw himself at everybody?" Jungkook replied harshly. Jimin stopped himself from saying anything else and simply agreed to it, knowing he couldn't change the younger's mind.

"Fine, suit yourself"

"You're still gonna go?"

"Of course. I was personally invited, it would horrible to turn them down" Jimin said to which Jungkook rolled his eyes.



Jungkook was still not talking to Jimin, annoyed at him for agreeing to go to the party. He didn't understand why all of his friends were fine with Taehyung after finding out what he was like. It made no sense to him.

He had just finished his last lesson of the day, walking out of the school building and heading towards the gates. Along the way, he was met with his boyfriend and his friends. His initial reaction was to walk away since he was still annoyed at them but was stopped when Jimin walked over to him and laced their hands together.

"Jungkook-ah, are you mad at me?" The red head questioned. Jungkook simply looked away, avoiding eye contact. "What do you think?" He replied, causing the older to sigh. "Look, I'm sorry. But I can't just turn down the invite. Is there no way that you'll come?"

Jungkook simply shook his head. "I'm not going, Jimin, and that's final. You guys can go if you want but I won't. Can we go now? I want to go home" He said as he began to walk ahead. Jimin didn't know what else to do and so followed his boyfriend, his eyes catching sight of a pair that walked past them.

Namjoon and Taehyung were heading home, passing the group, the older having his arm around Taehyung. Jimin was envious of the fact that Namjoon could freely speak to and do what he wants with Taehyung whereas he found it difficult just speaking with the younger for less that a minute.

"Hyung, can you come over tonight?" Taehyung asked, wrapping his arm around the older's waist, leaning his head on his shoulder.

Jungkook scoffed as he heard that, watching Taehyung leave the school gates with Namjoon. "Is he the main fuckboy?" He said to which Jimin sighed, breaking their skinship so he moved to stand in front of the younger.

"That's enough, Jungkook. I'm not hearing this again. You need to stop being so harsh to Taehyung. He's trying to forget his past but people like you who keep bringing it back up are not helping. Please, stop judging him for his past. He's trying to change" He said, getting worked up for no reason.

But Jungkook being the stubborn boy he was, didn't care about it. He just didn't want Taehyung in their lives at all. "Don't say I didn't warn you when he goes back to being his old self" Jungkook snapped before walking away.

Jimin watched his boyfriend leave, shaking his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. He was conflicted.


"Hyung.. I invited him and his friends but I'm not sure if they'll come. And I highly doubt his boyfriend will come" Taehyung mumbled as he and Namjoon were walking down the street.

"It doesn't matter. If they come then that's good but if not, it's not the end of the world" Namjoon stated but before the younger could speak or say anything, he continued.

"Look, I know Jimin has been really nice to you but him and his friends aren't the most important people. But seriously, fuck them. Who actually cares about them? And I swear if they say anything to you or make you upset again then I'm sorry but I won't keep quiet"

Taehyung knew that Namjoon meant well and was only looking out for him but the only person who had a problem with him was Jungkook. And he wouldn't let Namjoon do or say anything to Jimin's boyfriend.

"Hyung, it's fine. They're nice people, you don't have to do anything to anybody" The younger spoke, hearing his friend heave a sigh. "Then you better hope Jimin controls his bitch of a boyfriend.."


The weekend came, the time for Namjoon's party. Jimin and his friends all met up at the silver haired boy's house, walking to the front door. "It's a shame Kookie didn't come.." Jin commented. Jimin simply hummed a response, not wanting to get into that conversation.

He hadn't spoken to Jungkook since their mini arguement a few days ago. "Jimin-ah, you really should talk to him" Hoseok said, placing his hand on the red head's shoulder. "I'll have that conversation with him again when he's mature about it. There's no point of us arguing aimlessly"

Just then, the front door opened, revealing a certain brunet. "You came" He smiled slightly as he saw the group at the door step. "We did"

Taehyung's eyes briefly scanned the group, noticing there was no Jungkook. He didn't know whether or not he should be relieved. "Well, come on in" He said, stepping out the way and holding the door open wider so they could all enter.

Everyone walked past him, Jimin staying by his side as he shut the front door. "I'm glad you could make it. But, erm, Jungkook..?" Taehyung didn't really know how to ask about it or if he should even ask about it but he was curious.

"He refused to come. But it doesn't matter, I just want to forget about that" Jimin replied before smiling. "Shall we go in?" He said, Taehyung nodding, smiling as the two headed to the others.



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