Chapter 1.

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(a/n hey everyone! I'm trying out another story. Let me know what you think! Thanks (: love you all.)

Liam pulls up in front of my house at 7:00am; right on time, as always. I grab my new backpack, I like this one because it is a galaxy design and I've always loved the design. I walk down my driveway at a normal pace and open the door of Liam's Ford Escape.

"Good morning." I mumble as I shut the door and buckle my seatbelt.

he begins to drive off, "Good morning. how did you sleep?"

"same old, same old. you know how it goes..second Monday of the school year is never easy."

"yeah. but this year should be easy cuz we're seniors! and plus, our biology class from junior year gets to have Mr.Tomlinson for chem this year!"

"yay! he's an awesome teacher."

"yeah. we have all of our classes together except you have advanced Brit Lit while I have my advanced Bio class right?"

"Yep! what do we have first today?" I ask as we pull into the packed driveway.

"Umm..we have chemistry first."

"oh yeah. yes!"

we get out of the car and grab our backpacks.

"shall we?" he says and we make our way to our normal spot at the bench and sit. the halls don't open until 7:40, and it's only 7:30.

Liam yawns, "I'm tired."

"Me too," as I say it my attention turns to a black mustang pull into the lot. Niall Horan and Harry Styles-the school bad boys I guess you would say- come out of the car. but this time, it's not just them. They bring a new friend. He's a bit shorter then the both of them but has way more tattoos. along with snakebite piercings and one in his eyebrow. He also has piercing blue eyes, and large hands that fiddle with the earrings in his ears.

"W-who's that?" I ask Liam.

"I don't know his name but I guess he's new here. just move from Doncaster in the UK. He's just like those kids. Little bit drugee and stuff..I would just stay away from him Erin. Guys like that are dangerous, and they don't like girls like you. They like the sluts that will bang them every chance they get."

As if proving Liam's point, the new guy pulls out a cigarette as they stand in their little corner. He smiles and for some reason it sends a wave of electricity through me.

"I know. Hey, maybe we should go

in now. it's almost time." I say pulling my gaze from the tattooed new guy.

Liam nods and we both get up to go in. As we pass Niall, Harry and the other guy; Niall waves at me.

"Hey Erin." he smiles and his blue eyes twinkle.

We've been friends for awhile, not really close but he's always been nice to me. And I return the favor. I can feel the new guys eyes on me as I smile and wave.

"Hey Niall. How was your weekend?" Liam and I kinda half stop so I can finish my conversation. Liam has never approved of my friendship with Niall but doesn't say anything about it.

"It was good. And yours?" he asks.

"Good. I'll see you in Biology." I tell him and start off again.

"Bye!" him and harry call at the same time. The new guy, who I still have yet to learn the name of, stays silent.

Liam and I go in and drop our backpacks off in our locker. We grab our books and make our way to the Chemistry classroom. We make it in about five minutes and find our usual spots in the middle to set our stuff down.

Mr. Tomlinson walks in just as the bell rings. We all scurry to our seats; Liam on my left and as usual, no one to my right.

"Okay class, you know the drill. Get your notebooks out, we'll be discussing more of that science stuff you enjoy so much." He says smiling sarcastically. The old man continues to talk for awhile and I zone out, instead I play with the silver ring Liam gave me for my sixteenth birthday almost two years ago.

About 15 minutes into the class, the door swings open. The new guy from earlier walks in, his dark pants

hang low on his hips and end in toms; I was not expecting toms.. I sigh. Great.

"Oh. I'm late." is the first thing he says.

"Yes you are. Son, please find a seat so we can continue class." Mr.Tomlinson sounds pissed.

Wait, son?

"Sure thing dad. because you know, all your students are thoroughly enjoying this interesting class." He says sarcastically.

"Yeah okay. Introduce yourself then go sit next to Erin." He gestures at the seat next to me.

Are you fucking kidding me.

I make eye contact with Liam and the look in his eyes seems to say, "You gonna be okay?"

I nod at him and smile.

"I'm Louis. Tomlinson. That old fart that's teaching this shit class is my father. I just moved here from England because my mom thought America would 'be good for me'" He says, and oddly enough, smiles.

"Language Louis." his father reminds him.

Louis rolls his eyes and makes his way to the seat next to me. He sits down and sighs. I can't help but stare at all the ink markings on his skin.

"What the fuck do you want? You know if you took a picture it would last longer." he growls at me.

I immediately look down and blush, "Sorry. you just have a lot of..tattoos." I stutter.

"Yeah I do. and just by the way, if you think being friends with that Irish kid..what's his name..Niall that's it. if you think being friends with him will make me like you it won't. I'm not into girls like you." He chuckles.

"Damn. Great first impression you've made. I'll have you know there is no way in hell I'd ever even look at a guy like you. Now can you shut up and listen?" I fight back, even though I'm clearly not listening either.

"Woah. I wasn't expecting you to fight back. I'll shut up." He says and leans back in his desk.

"Okay class today I'll be assigning lab partners. As most of you know me from last year, you know this class isn't to difficult but that doesn't mean you can slack."

Liam and I look at each other and he holds up his fingers, which are crossed. I do the same and turn my attention back to the front.

Mr.Tomlinson begins calling off names. My stomach drops when he calls,

"Liam Payne and..Marcel Styles. Oh and you are some of the lucky people who get a third partner. and it just so happens it's Marcel's twin, Harry."

Great I don't get Liam or Marcel.

Liam looks at me with sad eyes and sighs. He gets up and joins his partners on the other side of the room. Marcel does not look happy that he's with Harry and Harry looks like he could give less of a fuck. he just sits there twirling his lip ring in his fingers and staring off into space. Mr.Tomlinson calls more names before he says,

"Last but not least, Erin Beaker with Louis Tomlinson." he says. He makes eye contact with me and mouths, 'Im so sorry.'


I turn to look at Louis and he smirks and rolls his eyes.

This should be fun.

A Twist in My Story.(A Louis Tomlinson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now