Chapter 6.

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(I am so so so sorry I havent updated. Ill update more then once today to make up for it, I've just been so busy. sorrrryyy! hope everyone's liking it. love you guys<33)

I woke up twenty minutes late.

"Shit! Cameron, why didn't you wake me up!" I scream as I jump out o my

giant bed.

He pokes his head into my room, "I was just about to.."

"Well you should've thought of it quicker! Now I'm gonna be late! And that's gonna make Liam late!" I reply as I scramble around; pulling out my favorite jeans that cuff at the ankles, a plain white shirt, and a turquoise scarf. I put them all on and shove on my black Vans. I quickly decide to text Liam.

"Bye!" I yell at Cameron and he leaves my room.

*Hey I woke up late. Want me to drive myself?* I hit send and look in the mirror. My hair isn't too bad. I pull it into a low side braid and put a few bobby pins in. I quickly plug my wand in for my bangs; while I'm waiting for it I heat up I wash my face, and lightly put on my eyeliner, mascara, an a bit of eyeshadow. I use the wand to curl the extra hairs and my bangs a tad bit. I stare in the mirror. I actually look pretty good considering I did it all in fifteen minutes max.

Liam replies, *Thats okay. I woke up late as well. Be there in like 25 minutes?


*Okay sounds good. I'll be ready.*

I shove my phone in my pocket along with my headphones and take a mad dash downstairs. I grab a bagel and put it in the toaster with two blueberry pop tarts. I was starving.


He groans, "What?" he calls back.

"Can you run my backpack down here please?"

"Okay give me like two minutes."

Just then my bagel and pop tarts come out of the toaster. I grab them and eat the bagel plain. As I stuff my face, I scramble around getting my shoes on; a Cameron comes down with my backpack and I shove my pop tarts in my mouth with one hand and my homework into my backpack with the other.

"Thank you." I say as I rush out of the door just on time.

He runs his hands through his red hair as he moves to the doorway behind me, "Bye! Have a good day."

"Bye!" I call over my shoulder as I pull open the door to Liam's car and hop in.

"Hey." I say to Liam as I readjust my jean best over my Rolling Stones shirt.

"Hey! How'd you sleep?" He asks as he pulls our of my driveway and begins the short drive to school.

"Ugh terrible. You?"

"Ehhhh. Ya know. We have our play rehearsal thing for the scene at your place tonight don't forget."

"Shiiittt! God dangit Louis." I sigh in exasperation.

"Yeah he bugs me."

"..Yeah." I quietly agree.

"But Niall is actually pretty okay." he smiles.

"I freaking told you!" I tell him laughing.

We argue back and forth for a little while and eventually make it to school.

Here in North Carolina, the sun comes up early. So by the time we make it to school at about 7:20, the sun is already shining. We arrive yet again at the same time as Harry, Niall and Louis. They get out one by one and the only one without anything with him-not even a backpack- is of course Louis. Liam and I just kinda stand there watching as Louis slips a smoke into his mouth and lights it. He pulls a pair of dark black sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on as well. The three of them make their ways over to their usually corner. Niall says something and him an Harry chuckle, Louis even cracks a smile.

A Twist in My Story.(A Louis Tomlinson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now