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At about 5 in the morning, the nightmare started. It was a dark and stuffy Andrej knew this place all too well. His ex-husband would trap inside an Earth dome. As punishment for doing something he didn't like, or just to get away from Andrej. The musk smell or soil and dirt filled his lung.

"Hayden please let me out, I am sorry." Andrej whispered softly against the walls, laying against dry rock. Andrej knew the other could hear him, the vibrations on the inside would be clear to someone in the Earth Nation. The area soon got smaller and smaller, making it harder and harder to breath. Soon he was beating against the walls of the rock, "PLEASE HAYDEN, PLEASE!!! I AM SORRY." He cried out.

Then a heard a voice he had never heard before, "It's just a dream, Andrej." It was a very strong, very comforting voice. He felt the walls let go, and he started coughing, his whole body was in pain. "Whose there?" he rasped out.

"Andrej wake up," The voice said, but the walls started getting smaller and smaller again. It was like they pressed so close it felt his body was trying to be mushy like clay. He woke up springing from the pillow panting hard as a little sweat dripped him his brow. The pain wrenched his, every muscle and bone inflamed. He looked over and saw bits and pieces his vision blurry, and fuzzy. He knew it wasn't Alex, his personal guard from the of the person's smell. The person next to him was a male, he could tell from the strong arms that held him. Andrej held onto the shirt and his eyes blinked trying to get them focus, the man could see this.

"Andrej, are you awake now?"The man asked.

"I am light headed... It hurts." Andrej whispered softly, it was hard to move much. The man ran his fingers through the other's hair, and that is when he heard someone else come in.

"Prince Clyde?" Alex said in shock, "Is everything okay?"

"No, Andrej is in a lot of pain, I can feel the knots, would you please go get a healer?" The voice said, and his fingers caress his skin arm through his gown.

Andrej heard the door open and close behind him, he let out of soft whimper. He hated this, being weak in front of others. The fact that he woke up the Prince showed how bad his dream was. He heard the other say something about feeling the knots. Andrej closed his eyes and he tried get his vision to work. Though it only made it worse, he felt the darkness creeping around his eyes. He knew the other was trying to say something, and he was getting jumbled up in his head.

Alex had come back with the healer she went up to the boy placing her hands on his temple. At first Andrej just felt the warmth in the joints. She felt bad for the boy, she could tell the boy had been under a lot stress, now that the body has time to rest it was fighting back. "I am going to take the heat out joints. It will hurt at first because I must attach my own to his before pulling it out. Right after he needs to be close to his element." She explained, she could feel the amount of power running through his body. It was low she was surprised that the boy was functioning at all.

Andrej felt the heat increase in his body, making his whole body burn. Andrej let out a soft cry of pain as he clung to the man, his head swimming even more. Then the pain was gone, he was still sore, but the crimpling pain was gone. His breathing softened with the grip he had on the man's shirt. Though he still felt weak, but he didn't want to sleep.

Clyde picked the boy up as they took him into the bathroom. Alex already had a warm bath started. Clyde went to get into the bath with the boy, Alex put his hand up.

"You know you don't have to I am his guard I can take him." Alex told the other, knowing that it was hard for fire to get into a pool of water. It basically renders them unless.

"It's okay Alex I got him." Clyde told the other, Alex respected his wishes and stepped back, letting the two into the water.

Just like the night before when Andrej hit the water his body had a light glow to it. His nails, hair, and tattoos glowed. His horns wrapping around his face again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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