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Dear WT,

This isn't me fighting back or biting back

this is how I'm writing back unlike a sly attack

this is me lighting a match

you might ask, "Why is that?"

well, I'm in fact about to answer that

before I couldn't strike the small piece of wood

we were too close so flee I should

we didn't have space to breed a good

fire without smothering it and bleed I would

so be happy and free at least one of us can be

now that you don't have me back up from that scene and don't jump into a flat thing

don't go in acting or bragging or jabbing

I have a clever brain

so show off better plainly

wether you hate me or never want to date me

if you want me back just be that and agree that we are at the Max and if you think that you'll be better giving the T back you can

but don't say goodbye because I'm never saying it

Sincerely, me at seventy less than eighty percent

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