Chapter Ten

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After a few minutes of crying in the corner I pulled out my phone hitting the number I last talked to.

"Hello." Joonsuh answered. I could hear Yona in the background talking.

"Can you come here?" I cried through the phone.

"Rina! Is this you. Where are you?" Joonsuh yelled. Once I gave him the name of the cafe it didn't take him and Yona that long to arrive.

"Rina! Are you in here?" Both Joonsuh and Yona yelled. Another bolt of lightning struck as I seen the figures standing in front of me. I let out a scream crawling myself deeper into the corner. Someone turned on a flashlight and I looked up to see Yona. She ran over to me hugging me as I pulled her close crying my eyes out.

"It's okay Rina. No one is going to hurt you." Joonsuh calmly said sitting beside me.

"He was here. The person who killed Minyoona. He grabbed me telling me h-he would string me up like he did Minyoona." I tried saying.

"Let's go. You can sleep over at my house. My parents are gone for a few days." Yona said helping me stand. Her and Joonsuh helped me get to Yona's house which wasn't that far away. We walked up to a small yellow house. Outside her house, there was lots of pretty flowers. Even walking passed them I could smell them. Yona unlocked her door helping me inside.

"Your house is beautiful." I said amazed. Inside it smelled like cookies and warm cinnamon. She brought me to the living room sitting me down on her couch.

"It's not that great, but thanks." She said. She turned on the tv sitting beside me. Joonsuh walked up to me holding a glass of cold tea.

"When I was young and had nightmares my mom would always give me tea to calm me down. Hot or cold never matter. What did was the feeling tea gave me." Joonsuh said handing me the cup of tea. I took a few sips and then soon relaxed. Surprisingly Joonsuh was right. The tea did somewhat calm me down.

"So can you remember his voice, or something else about him that might trigger something?" Yona asked.

"His voice was different. I doubt it was his real voice. But he had a strong smell. It was something like vanilla. But there was another smell, something more stronger. I can't figure out what it is though." I mumbled.

"So well, that makes everyone a suspect again." Joonsuh said flopping down on the couch.

"If he knows you are looking for him, that's a bad problem." Yona said. I sat the cup of tea on the table nearby.

"No it isn't. He knows I'm looking for him. If he comes for me again then this time I'll have a plan. I'm not going to stop just because he treated me. If anything this might help." I said standing up.

"Are you crazy?" Yona snapped.

"Don't you remember how scared you just were?" Joonsuh added in.

"He said he would string me up like Minyoona. That means he has no remorse for what he did. And that he might do it again. I can't forgive myself if I let him do this again." I said looking at them both.

"How do you plan to do that?" Yona asked.

"I'll just start looking again. That's how he found me the first time. And other than that I don't have any ideas." I said sitting back down. I got a long speech from Yona and Joonsuh for about a hour. About how dangerous this would be and that I would end up like Minyoona if something bad happened. After that I called my dad saying I was going to spend the night at Yona's.

Joonsuh went home about a hour later, then me and Yona just ordered pizza and watched a few movies. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I then had another dream.

"Rina." Someone called my name.

I quickly woke up to see Yona sleeping on the other couch beside me. She was snoring pretty loud but I was fine with it. My dad usually wakes up the dogs with his snoring. I got up walking to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured some water. I drunk the whole glass feeling the cold water run down my throat. After finishing the glass I started walking back to the living room when I froze in my tracks. In front of me stood a girl.

"Minyoona." I mumbled. My heart stopped beating and my face went pale.

I watched her walk over to the fridge. She pointed to it and then to her neck. I was about to say something when I saw a tear roll down her face.

"Rina. Rina. Rina!" I heard Yona say. I opened my eyes to see Yona standing above me. It was a dream. All of it.

"Joonsuh brought over some breakfast if you want to come eat." Yona smiled at me. I got up stretching. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Joonsuh.

"Morning sleepy head." Joonsuh said patting my head.

"Rina, can you give me the orange juice?" Yona asked. I opened the fridge beside me grabbing the juice. As I closed the fridge I saw a picture hanging off.

"Yona is this you?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said walking over to me.

"That's me. That's Taehyung. Minyoona, Jihoon, and Joonsuh. This picture was taken in our first year of high school. Minyoona was only here for about three weeks but we were already all friends." Yona said smiling.

I looked over at the smaller looking Taehyung. He looked so cute. Beside him stood Minyoona. She was looking at him smiling. Beside her stood Jihoon. He was staring at Minyoona. Unlike Minyoona's soft kind eyes. His were cold and dangerous looking. I felt a cold chill run down. Something inside me was screaming.

"Yona, did Jihoon ever had a thing for Minyoona?" I nervously asked.

"At the beginning. But everyone had a thing for Minyoona. Even Joonsuh." Yona said laughing. Her and Joonsuh started arguing about something really stupid. I just stared at the picture.

But in the picture Joonsuh was looking at Yona smiling. Not the way Jihoon was looking at Minyoona.

So for this story I will probably only write a few more chapters. It's going to be a shorter fanfic then my others. But truthfully I've planned this since the beginning.

🦁Thank you for reading!🦁


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