Kiss It All Better

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I was 22. Me and my boyfriend Mark were at a bar having drinks with friends. It was Halloween.

"Let's get married." He said, very sure for someone who had been drinking.

"Okay!" I giggled, feeling slightly tipsy.

I sobered up quickly when Aaron, my ex boyfriend who was kind of stalking me, came into the room. He looked extremely drunk, and he was laughing at something. Until he saw me. Then he stopped and came stumbling over to our group of five. My friends were here with us.

"Hey baby, miss me?" He cockily asked, shooting me a smirk.

" Not at all." I said, feigning that I had thought about it.

"Well you will someday," he whispered, leaning in and trying to kiss me. I leaned away and Mark pushed him off of me. He took the hint fairly well and stalked away. I leaned into Mark, relaxing now that he was gone.

We sat around for hours, until the bar closed, then we all walked the block and a half it was to our apartment building. Lisa and Ken, the couple with us all night, said goodnight and went into their apartment and Mark and I went into ours.

It was sort of messy. A pizza box from dinner on the counter. Dirty dishes in the sink. There was laundry on the couch because I hadn't gotten to it yet and our bed was unmade, and clothes littered the floor. It was messy but it was home.

I took off my heels at the door and started stripping off my dress as I walked into our bedroom. I slipped out of the dress, took off my bra and put on one of Mark's t-shirts. I felt him standing behind me and he started kissing my neck.

"Oh Mark not tonight baby I'm too tired" I said, giggling, as I was still slightly tipsy. I felt something round and hard press into my back and I laughed. "Do you have something in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" I said, slowly reaching behind me.

"Babe who are you talking to?" Mark called from the living room. I froze as my hand touched cold metal.

"Scream and I'll shoot." A voice I instantly recognized as Aaron's whispered.

"Babe?" Mark said, "you coming out here?"

"Uh, I can't. HELP ME MARK!" I screamed and Aaron pulled the trigger. I heard it before I felt it and then there was this searing hot pain and I fell on the floor. I faintly heard Mark coming in and he rushed to me.

"What just happened? Who was in here?"

"A-a-Aaron. He told me, he said, if I, screamed........ He shot me. Make it.... Make the pain go away." I stuttered, feeling tired and trying to keep my eyes open.

"Baby I'll try, I'll try. Stay awake baby, stay with me." He said, tears falling down his cheeks as he dialed on his phone. I heard banging in the background, on the door I suppose. ____"Come in! Oh god someone help!" He yelled, making me flinch and then groan at the pain.

"I'm so, sorry baby, I'm so, so, sorry. I love you, so much, take care of...... yourself." I whispered, my voice becoming faint.

"No no no stay awake please the ambulance is coming just stay awake please baby don't leave me."

"Stay with me.....until I fall asleep?" I asked him.

" I love you, I love you so much I've never loved anyone like you. I never will again. I can't lose you I just can't." He rushed out, tears streaming faster. I tried to lift my arm to wipe his tears but I couldn't. And that's when I noticed the blood soaking him. My blood. I was going to die. This was it.

"Honey I want you to be happy........and, and.....move on. I love................." I trailed off. I was so tired and I just let the darkness surround me, feeling him shake and sob.

****MARK'S POV*****

As they pulled the sheet over her head, I vowed to avenge her death. She didn't deserve this. It should have been me.

I pulled the loaded gun out of my jacket pocket and clicked the safety off, seeing Aaron leave the police station. Somehow he had gotten away with it, because there was no evidence. He opened his car door, and I aimed at the back of his chest, right at his heart. I took a deep breath in, and let it out, squeezing the trigger. He fell to the ground, dead in an instant, and a cop nearby ran over. He looked around and saw me, shaking, holding the gun. He pulled his out and I instantly put the gun down and put my hands in the air. He rushed over, getting his handcuffs out and pinning me against my car. He walked me into the station and I was put in a jail cell.

When I was put on trial I was sentenced 25 to life. The next 24 and a half years, until I was released on good behavior, were terrible. When I was awake, the guys around me tormented me because of the dreams I had when I slept.

I would dream I was holding her and she would just start screaming, shaking and crying. Then there was blood. Everywhere. Soaking into her shirt and mine. And there was nothing I could do I couldn't move.

I would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep. I went days and nights without sleep. I was finally released and I went to the nearest bridge and jumped off, ending my miserable life without the love of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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