The Bus Drive

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The bus was here so I went inside and sat in the back. I didn't know anyone but everyone looked friendly. And all of a sudden someone tapped my shoulder and I jumped and she said,"hi are you new here?" I said," yes I am." She asked, " is anyone sitting next to you?" I said "no." So she sat down next to me. She asked me," what is your name." I said " Bacondog." She giggled because the name is a little funny. She said," Well my name is Jess." So we started talking about all sorts of different things like where I came from and stuff.

And than all of a sudden this big bulky guy comes inside the bus . I was so scared when I saw him. He looked at me and starting walking my way. He pushed Jess aside and went up to me and grabbed me by the shirt. He asked," what is your name." Bacondog" I said nervously. When he was about to say something else Jess budge in and said," stop grabbing him by the shirt." He looked at Jess and than walked away. Jess sat down and I said," thank you for that. She said" no problem." So you want to be friends," Jess asked. And I said," sure." We talked a little more and than the bus stopped.

Than we walked out. Now I was on my way to my first class in middle school.

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