
15 1 10

Rules of the RP:
1. No godmodding
2. No powerplay
3. You can cuss, but only the minor ones
4. Put OOC: for Out of Character, and BIC: for when you're Back in Character

Rules of the Site:
1. Don't actually cuss someone out...
2. Try not to use amateur photos (from a camera phone/digital camera) that random people took, unless it is you. You can use real models from a professional website(etc.) and actors/actresses.
3. No fighting/arguing. If you have a problem, PM a Moody Mody : Elite, or if it's really big, PM me directly
4. If you want to become a Moody Mody, PM me the form below
5. Have fun

Moody Mody Application: [[!!OPEN!!]]

1. How well can you work Proboards?
2. Are you friendly?
3. How many Proboards accounts do you have?

4. For Moody Mody : Elite, list the items below that you excel at:

5. Are you able to think straight under pressure?

6. Bonus Points! Give me some quotes from your friends about your additude:

Moody Mody Powers:
Edit Themes
Edit Threads
Warn Members
Edit Headers & Footers and Plugins
*all of the above*
Ban Members
Edit Profiles
Edit Forum Avatars
Edit News Feed
Edit Shoutbox

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