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"Good morning class, we have a very special friend this year! Her name is Abigail Waters, and she just moved back from Paris, France. Be nice to her! Dear, would you say hello to the class? " The teacher asked in her exciting and cherish voice. "H-hello, my name is Abigail." Little Abigail looked around nervously, her English was not good, and she heard some kids giggle, her face flushed red. "Why is your face red? " " And your last name is Waters?" some kid in the back yelled. Kids laughed and giggles a little more. Abigail's face is now as red as an apple. "Now class, don't be mean!" The teacher yelled at the class then turned to her and said softly, "don't worry, dear. Everything will be fine, if you have any questions, let me know, okay?" Little Abigail nodded and sat down at the seat with her name on it. She jumped when someone tapped her on the shoulder. "Are you okay?" A boy with dirty blond hair, deep blue eyes, and a sweet smile asked. "I'm f-fine." Abigail stumbled over her words. "My name's Jayden Scott. I like your last name by the way" Jayden smiled. Abigail smiled, he likes her last name, the most often thing she gets made fun of. Jayden thinker for a second and asked "Hey, do you want to play together? I just got new bakugans!" "Bakugans?" Abigail looked confused. "I'll show you, come here!" Abigail smiled "okay!" And that, is how Abigail's first day in Cloud Elementary went. Also, that's how she met her best friend.

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