My Life After Death

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The time is three am. I am just out of surgery. I am not sleeping, but I am not conscious either. I can hear the people talking around me. A male voice says in a stage whisper,
Oh my gosh! Poor thing! I heard that she actually died today!

A female voice said, oh yes I heard that she was clinically dead for over five minutes. The doctors had done Everything that they could, and were ready to call it, and all of a sudden she came back!

The male voice said wow she's black and blue all over! They must have Really worked her over! The female voice sounded sad now when she said, my mom had a small bowel obstruction two years ago, and we lost her.
I am glad this lady has made it this far. Her doctor said if she lives through the night, she should be outa the woods, but she will have a great deal of pain to indure in the next few weeks. The male voice said in a whisper, do you think they can really hear us at this stage. The female voice whispered back, maybe?

I thought I was yelling at them to go gossip somewhere else, because I was not going anywhere! I planned to not only make it through the night, but throughout the rest of my life!
Thank you very much!

Finally they must have left the room, no more chatter, but then I felt really alone. I thought, hum .....they really couldn't hear me? That's weird. I sure thought I was yelling at them because they were keeping me awake?
I felt exhausted, as though I had fought a battle or something. I do not believe that I had ever felt so tired before.

I knew that what they said was true though , because I felt it. I had left my body , and had traveled around the hospital.

And To another breathtaking, beautiful place! I had touched the hand of the Sweetest Being​ ever. The Beautiful soul of my deceased Mother had sent me back to my body.
My visit to another place. So vivid in my mind. I had to tell someone, anyone, what I had witnessed! But so tired, so very tired......

I believe that I slept.. I am not sure? I kept thinking about my children. I wondered if they were Okay without me. If they knew or understood what I was going through. Then it hit me! Oh my gosh! I hope they weren't told that I may not make it through the night, like the nosey nurses had said, or that I had arrested in surgery?

I tried to get up, to go and get someone to give me a telephone to call my children. To tell them I am alright, and not to worry. I would be home soon but I was so tired.. I needed sleep.....if I could just rest I would have the strength to get up soon and call them...I remember​
being incredibly exhausted. Then everything went black again.

I woke to the sound of loud beeping....A voice said oh no her BP is way too low! I can't find a pulse. Go get her doctor! He is in the on call berth. Hurry!

What the heck are they talking about? I'm fine? Then everything went dark again.

I could hear a Sweet Sweet voice that sounded really far away. The voice said ..........Sandy, you must stay.

Then I heard a voice I recognized ! It was my doctor's voice. My Gastroentologist. He spoke in a soft whisper....... Sandy...stay with me. You are fine now. You rest .... You are fine, you are doing good. I will be right here in the hospital with you...I won't let anything happen to rest now...let your body have the time it needs to heal. I saw your family after your surgery. They are fine, beautiful children.... They know you are rest now okay?

Then he seemed to turn away, because his voice sounded farther away..... You are to Watch her like a hawk! Do you understand me? ....a female voice replied ...yes...... doctor...I...we just stepped out for a sec......the doctor's voice cut her off in mid sentence... No excuses!
That lovely lady has been through enough in the past three months! You watch her! That is your Only job! Do you understand? The female voice, now just above a whisper, replied,......... yes doctor, I will
Then it was quiet again...I was confused? Was he speaking of me? I am fine....weird I thought. I was just very tired.

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