At The Kou Empire

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Two days passed, Aladdin, Morgiana and Alibaba finally arrived at the Kou Empire.

Escorted by Masrur, they made their way to the palace, where Prince Kouen, Koumei, Kouha, Princess Kougyoku, and Hakuei waited for them.

"Alibaba!" Kougyoku shouted, then ran towards the blond male, grin plastered on her face.

"Oh, Kougyoku! Hey!" Alibaba greeted, hugging her briefly.

"I, the Second General of the Sindrian Kingdom, Masrur, escorted these three people into your Kingdom as an order from King Sinbad." Said Masrur, with his arms crossed behind his back, with his usual blank face.

"So you are one of the Eight Generals.. I am Ren Kouen, first Prince of the Kou Empire. I heard from your King that these people wanted to talk to me." Said Kouen.

"Yes, Kouen-Ouji-san, I am the one that asked Sinbad-Ouji-san to contact you." Said Aladdin, standing next to Masrur.

"Aladdin, reminds me that we had some business to discuss." Spoke Koumei, eyes squinting at the small boy.

"Ah.. y-yes.." Chuckled Aladdin, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Alright, let us have a little chat in my office. Follow me." Ordered Kouen, then stood and started walking, followed by his brothers and sisters, Aladdin and his friends trailing behind.

Once they arrived, Kouen sat behind his desk, while his brothers and sisters stood at both his sides. Aladdin, Alibaba and Morgiana were standing in front of them, while Masrur waited outside.

There was silence, Morgiana being the first to break it. "A-actually, I'm the one who asked Aladdin for help, and this is how we ended up here."

"And you are?" Asked Kouen.

"Oh, isn't this the cute girl that attacked the medium with us, flames around her?" Asked Kouha, with a big grin.

"Ahh~ Mor-san has an admirer." Said Aladdin, with a smirk, in a teasing tone.

Morgiana sighed, then spoke again. "My name is Morgiana, I'm a friend of Aladdin, Alibaba-san and.. Hakuryuu-san. Indeed, I had part in the battle field," she said, "and stop teasing me" She pouted at Aladdin.

"Oh my, even cuter!" Exclaimed Kouha, about to walk towards her.

"Enough. Kouha, step back." The King glared at his sibling, "So, Morgiana, why did you want to come here?"

"When the battle ended, I saw.. I saw Hakuryuu-san watching us from the sky. And he was with that Black Magi, Judal. But, something was wrong with him.. something was wrong in his eyes. It felt like what was in front of me was a soulless body. His eyes were empty, and the aura around him was dark." Said Morgiana, looking down.

"So he was there, but didn't help us.." Koumei mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose, "How do you know all of this?"

"He is my friend. When he came to Sindria with Kougyoku-chan, we became friends, and we conquered Zagan's Dungeon with him. We spent a lot of time together, and I can tell when he is happy or sad, by looking in his eyes." Replied the girl.

"I see. Well then, what do you want to know?" Asked Kouen, now, resting his chin on his last palm.

"I-I want to know where he is. He fell in depravity and I want to save him. He only cares for revenge, his sight is blurred with revenge.. but revenge won't solve anything. I want to help him, pull him from that darkness.." Said Morgiana, with a tear in the corner of her eye.

"Mor-san.." Murmured Aladdin to himself, with a sad look that he and Alibaba shared.

"I-I..know he's a good person. He is good, and nice, and kind. Just blinded by dark feelings. But his heart is pure, he still can be saved." Now, the tear rolled along her right cheek.

"I want to help you but I, myself, don't know where Hakuryuu is right now. We haven't seen him since the day they announced the new leader of the Kou Empire." Sighed Kouen, crossing his arms to his chest.

Morgiana, eyes widened, lifted her gaze from Kouen to Hakuryuu's sister, Hakuei.

"Y-you are Hakuryuu-san's sister, right? He once told me that you are the one he cherishes the most. You certainly know where he is, right?" Morgiana asked, with a desperate tone.

Hakuei looked down, with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Morgiana. I can't help you. Even though I'm his sister, he didn't tell where he was staying."

"T-that's. I--" Morgiana couldn't finish her sentence when a light appeared above her. She glanced up to see a blue sphere forming, a magic circle rounding it.

"What is that thing?!"

Suddenly, black chains came from that sphere and rolled around Morgiana's ankles. In a second, the red-headed was been lifted up and dragged inside the globe.

With a last scream, she was stuck inside. Alibaba and Aladdin moved as fast as they could; even Kouha and Koumei reached out for her, though they weren't fast enough.

"Mor-san!" Yelled Aladdin.

She was already drawn in that magical sphere.

Alibaba tried to enter the strange blue globe, but he couldn't. It became like a wall, nothing could pass through it.

"What should we do?! We gotta do something!" Exclaimed Aladdin, hitting his fists on the impassable orb.

"What happened? Where is Morgiana?" Asked Masrur, after slamming the door open, cracking the wall behind it with his force; with his eyes scanning the office, not finding the red haired girl anywhere.

"Sh- she--" Alibaba didn't know what to say, blood drawn from his face, panicked.

"The girl was aspirated by that blue sphere." Said Kouen, circling his desk to stand next to the General. "Be careful, we don't know when it will attack again."

"If only Masrur was here. With his speed, he could have-" Said Alibaba, looking down, fighting the tears of frustrations to slip, turning his hands into two fists.

And suddenly, the same light appeared again from that sphere. It was like a vision, a sight, at first it was blurred, but it cleared, making it possible for them to see her. Morgiana.

She was lying on sand. With the sound of the waves behind. She was unconscious, at a beach, somewhere..

Everyone was gaping. Not knowing what was happening, they could only watch her sleeping form.

In an instant, Masrur tried to get his hand through it, but just like before, it was impossible. He wanted to kick it but he was afraid of breaking it in pieces, and if it was a portal, Morgiana wouldn't find a way to get back.


They heard a familiar voice whisper in confusion. Turning around, they saw the person they expected the least, standing at the entrance, eyes winded and glued on the sphere.

"H- Hakuryuu?!" Alibaba exclaimed, shocked.

"Hakuryuu, you finally showed up.." Kouen said, glaring at him.

"Brother, you came! This is horrible, Morgiana has been teleported somewhere, and we're incapable of joining her on the other side." Said Hakuei, running towards her brother.

He stayed silent, eyes not moving an inch from the blue giant globe.

"It's none of my business, I just came here to tell you, Kouen, that I'll be leaving the palace." Hakuryuu said, coldly, his face suddenly contracting into an impassive expression, not showing any emotion.

"Is that.. really you..?" Muttered Alibaba.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chap, and don't forget to vote and feedback!
all the love,

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