Chapter 01: Hospital Run

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Slipping out of the hospital toilets, pulling my Nirvana back pack onto my back again and tucked my brown hair behind my ear. Staring out into the hospital corridor I had woken up in - still not sure what happened exactly, but from what I read on the clip board on the bed - I was in a car accident and, funnily enough, I got out of it with only some bruising and a sprained wrist.

Pushing my red plaid sleeves up to my elbows before darting down the hallway and ran into the supply closet. Shutting the door I waited for a few seconds before pulling the string, turning the light on.

Looking about the cupboard I saw some bandage's and towels, then I saw some braces. Feeling a bit bad about stealing from a Hospital, I pulled some money out, left it on the towels as I grabbed the brace and bit my lip as I slipped my arm into the black and turquoise wrist brace before strapping it up.

About to turn around I bumped some towels off and quickly bent to pick them up, only to find some tablets in between the folds. Staring at the meds I flipped them over to find that they were some drug. Deciding to get out of there before I get caught for stealing drug's, wiping my prints off of the packaging of the meds (i'm paranoid like that) and rolled my shoulder's before turning the light off.

Pushing the door open a bit I peeked outside to see the empty corridor, quickly I burst out of the supply closet and ran towards the fire exits.

"I don't know where she could be-" suddenly someone walked out from a corner and I collided with them.

"Oof!" we both hit the ground, me on top of them as my face presses against their chest. We both laid there for an awkward moment before I sat up, straddling the boy with wide eyes as I stared down at him in horror.

Staring at each other I quickly stand up, holding my sprained wrist against my stomach, and he follows me with standing up, "You're awake - wait, why are you in your clothes and out of the -" I saw the Bounty Hunter walk past the other end of the corridor and I instantly grabbed the boy's shirt and yank him down the hallway where he had come from.

He stared at me in shock as I peeked around the corner, looking to see if the Bounty Hunter saw me.

"What the - are you okay - HEY!" I sprinted to the fire escape, ignoring the boy as I started to run down the stair's in my red skinny jeans. My black sneakers squeaking as I jumped over the railing to the stair's below. 

Running down the stairs, jumping the railings as I tried not to stumble and fall down the stairs.

"Hey! Stop running!" someone grabs me from behind and I gasped - since I don't really scream - and turned, only for the person and I to trip over each other's feet and fall onto the ground. My back hit the hard floor as my nose scrunched as I stared up at the guy.

"Right, now that you've stopped your running, I need to ask you why you're running"

"Because" I crawled out, one handed, from underneath the guy and stared at him suspiciously - is he another Bounty Hunter?

"Because why?"

"Raven!" my eyes widened as I instantly shot up to my feet and started to run down the stairs. 

"Hey! Wait!"

Running to what I presume is the ground floor, someone yanks me backwards and into a supply closet before closing the door. Their hand pressed against my mouth and I felt their breath on my ear, "Hello Raven-" instantly I kicked out, my feet hitting the door.

It bursts open and the boy I kept bumping into run's past, "Mmmm!" I struggled in the Bounty Hunter's arms as I tried to elbow him in the stomach.

"Oi!" the boy storms in, yanking me out of the Bounty Hunter's arms before clocking him in the jaw. Staring the guy in shock - since he really didn't look like someone who would punch a guy - he then slams the door shut and turns to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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