The Jester I've Known (one shot)

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 They said that you can only see JESTER in a carnaval, birthday party or in a lively show where people want some enjoyment.

 They are the entertainer that a people need when someone's sad, bad mood or want to enjoy.

but last night i dont know where my feet heading to? or should i say that my feet want to walk (as in walking) till it get tired?

hmmmm.... dont know what im thinking that time but the next thing i knew it was after sunset(oh!great twilight) my favorite day.

i smiled and sit at the pavement,

i was just like that until dark spread in the city, and that's the time i thought i should have to leave

(going home to be exact)

but when im ready to go something caught my attention.

i heard a moan in the dark,

and it doesnt sound a moan of the wind,

but a moan of a human!!!

so as being a filipino citizen (that known of our hospitality)

i follow the moan and its getting louder as i walk forward and i can see something, or was it someone?

its too dark for me to figure out what is it.

after a few steps...

i found a man sitting in agony,

i ask him if he's ok and when he look up at me i froze

(that's when the sky torn and ray of moonlight make way)

i dont know what i feel that time, i offered my hand for him(that made him shock)

he held my hand that i offered and i get him up,

i smiled at him(its like as if am assuring him that's everything gonna be alright)

and that was the time when he smiled back at me,

that's the first time i saw his smile, a REAL ONE.

now, im here in a room.

he brings me here, eventhough he got an injury(that i dont know where did he get) he can still walk but i guided him

he sit in a chair and pointing in my direction, or at my back i guess?

so i turn around and i see another door(a bit smaller) i open it, only to find out that it was a bathroom.

i look back at him(confused ?_? ) maybe he get that im kinda confused(that i really am) on why he's pointing at the bathroom direction(kinda afraid too, cause alot of things running in my mind,like is he going to kill me? or rape me when i get in the bathroom, is this is what i get after helping someone? oh God please help me) i cut my thinking on other possible things that he's going to do with me when he speak and said to get medicine kit in there.(how insane am i thinking that way) i quickly get in the bathroom to get some medicine and try to heal him using it.

after that he thanked me and he also told me that he's ok so thus i didnt bring him in hospital,

then i leave.

its weekends, and im here in a troops ^__^ waiting for another performer to perform on stage.

geez ×~× dont want to go but i have to, so i excuse in a people in my row and walk as fast as i can to a near comfort room and pee, the comfort room is at the back of the troops(that means i have to go outside)

now,kinda mad at myself ! geez !!! why is it happening now? cant watch the next performer T.T

after i finished, i hurriedly walk to go back(to watch a show inside) but as i turn to the left i'll crash into something or was it someone? and now im going to fell O.O (you expecting someone to save me?)

hmmmm.... me also but to my dismay i ended up into the floor ( ouch T.T my butt hurts)

but my hurts turn into mad when i hear someone saying that im an somekind of a fool not to watch my way, so i look up, and my eyes grew wider like this -> 0.0 when i saw who's infront of me(look's like he's suprise too)

after a few seconds of pause he offer me his hand that i held and get up.

i nod, and ready to leave when i heard him asking if we can talk, i agree and that was the time when i first know him.

after that we became friends and feel like im in a cloudnine.

im always happy being with him, ^_^ maybe your saying that i should have because he's a jester right?

but thats not the point here,

he's a jester, yes, but its not like that why im happy, its the fact that im enjoying his company, because of his jokes, pick up lines, sayings that he will definately change in to something funny(that you'll sure you laugh) and mostly he have this guts, i mean its when your be with him he'll surely make you feel happy that when you enter his world you wont regret it coz you wont cry(yeah, you cry but its coz of much laughter ^_______^) also if he's talkin seriously he has a sense of humor that cant make you feel some kind of boredom.

ok,going back to my story(too much in my feelings *.* )

lets not talk about on how we met again or how we became friends as i said before...

but the next thing i knew its been a month and their troops are leaving this day 'Δ'

i dont know if i should go there to see him before he leave but before my mind think my feet was running to where i know he was. I run as fast as i can but to my dismay its too late...

im late....

they're gone....


i didnt make it :((

i cry T.T

cryin' like i lost someone special

cryin' til i get exhausted

after a few minutes of cryin' (not to mind all those people who's looking at me that time)

all of my memories flashingback

my tear fell again

and the day that he kiss me

i smile bitterly and get up

that's when i realized that i loved him

yes! i love him! i know its not an ordinary crush but LOVE

but then again its too late

im too late...

too late to realized it...

now its been a year and my life are going on.

i want to say im over him but if i said that i'd lie to myself,

so i must say he's still here <3, still waitin

i know where ever he is will meet again,

if faith said so...

so now, im waiting and hoping when it will happen again...

but of course im enjoying my life too(enjoy being a bachelorette)

i know God has plan, so faith will do.

The Jester I've Known (one shot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon